David Lange's teaching series explains God’s plan for society’s institutions
David Lange's teaching series explains God’s plan for society’s institutions
Jordan Chamblee
Jordan Chamblee
AFA Journal staff writer

Photo above, Moses and/or the 10 Commandments appear three times in the architecture of the Supreme Court building.

June 2017 – We hear it all the time: “God has a plan.” Often when we become discouraged by seeing our nation drift further away from God and into dark waters of sin, this phrase can become an uncertain mantra against the growing darkness. But does God, in fact, have a plan for our nation?

Pastor David Lange has written a series of four books answering this question and reminding us that the Word of God is the foundation not only for the church, but also for the whole nation.

“The foundation of Christ and His Word is what keeps a nation free,” Lange told AFA Journal. “President Andrew Jackson said, ‘The Bible is the rock on which our republic rests.’ This was true when our nation began, but it is unfortunately no longer true today.”

Each of Lange’s four books covers an institution ordained by God in the Word – institutions that were once vital foundations for our nation: self government, family government, church government, and civil government.

Self government
“The first building block of self-government is sola scriptura,” said Lange, “Scripture alone is authoritative for the faith and practice of the Christian life. Noah Webster, one of the founders of our educational system, understood this foundation and the importance of it. Self-government is impossible without Christ in us. A Christian nation does not mean that we will force everyone into being a Christian, but we will teach and enforce God’s laws.”

Family government
A nation cannot exist according to God’s plan if its most important cornerstone is compromised: the family.

“A nation is made up of individuals who were raised in families,” said Lange. “In a family, we learn how to love God, how to obey authority, and how to forgive. No other religion teaches grace and forgiveness like Christianity. We are taught to ‘love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us.’”

Church government
“Paul writes in I Timothy 3, ‘The church is the pillar and foundation of the truth,’” said Lange. “In the founding era, pastors were not just pastors. They also led in civil arenas. At some point, the church became less and less of a societal influence. Perhaps it was when we left the civil arena? What if churches across America began to encourage their members to get more involved in politics and equipped them to speak up in our communities?”

Civil government
“God has given civil government jurisdiction to protect the righteous and punish the evildoer,” said Lange. “When jurisdictions mix up their responsibilities, we get into what our society is experiencing today, a mess with very little accountability. The Ten Commandments are for every nation, and they are principles that our founders held dear. They placed them above our Supreme Court and across our land to remind us how we are to be governed.”

There is no secret formula or strategy when it comes to discerning the will of God for America. The answer is what it has always been: obedience to the Word of God.

“Last fall, I spoke at a church in Missouri,” said Lange. “One of their members felt moved to run for City Council. She won her seat and will begin to lead her community in righteousness. We must become more involved in our society. If we begin standing up and speaking up, we could see our nation return to its Christian foundations.”  undefined

undefinedGod Has A Plan series is available at bibleistherock.com.