AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs
March 1995 – No advertiser identified by AFA on the Dirty Dozen list of sponsors of TV sex, violence and profanity from last spring appeared on the list again for the fall monitoring.
“Our letters and phone calls are making a difference,” said Donald E. Wildmon, AFA president. “There is a totally new list of 12 sponsors on the monitoring list.”
AFA encourages supporters to call and write the new advertisers expressing displeasure with their sponsorship.
The top sponsors during the fall monitoring period and some sample programs they helped sponsor include:
1. Coors Brewing Co., Chrm. William K. Coors, 311 10th St., NH 490, Golden, CO 80401, Phone 303-279-6565, FAX 303-277-6246, TOLL FREE: 1-800-642-6116. PRODUCTS: Coors beer, Zima Clearmalt. Sample programs: Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Married With Children (10/23 & 30/94); NYPD Blue (11/1/94).
2. Sony Corp. of America, Chrm. Masaaki Morita, One Sony Dr., Park Ridge, NJ 07656, Phone 201-930-1000, FAX 201-358-4060. PRODUCTS: Columbia Pictures Industries, Sony electronic products, Tri-Star film production. Sample programs: Melrose Place (10/17 & 24/94); NYPD Blue (10/18 & 25/94); Roseanne (10/19 & 11/2/94); Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
3. Benckiser Consumer Products USA, Pres. Thomas V. Bonoma, 55 Federal Rd., Danbury, CT 06813, Phone 203-731-5000, FAX 203-790-0778. PRODUCTS: Aspen cologne, Calgon bath products, Cling Free fabric softener, Coty products, Electrosol detergent, Jet Dry rinse agent, Jovan Toiletries, Longing cologne, Preferred Stock cologne, Stetson cologne, Vanilla Fields cologne. Sample programs: Married With Children (10/16 & 23/94); NYPD Blue (10/18 & 25/94); Ghost; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Another 48 Hours.
4. Hormel Foods Corporation, Chrm. Richard L. Knowlton, One Hormel Place, Austin, MN 55912, Phone 507-437-5611, FAX 507-437-5489. PRODUCTS: Chi-Chi’s salsa and dips, Dinty Moore products, Hormel meats, Spam products, Top Shelf products. Sample programs: Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Wings (10/25/94); Tales from the Crypt (10/28/94); Bugsy; Walker, Texas Ranger (11/5/94).
5. Matsushita Electric Corp. of America, Chrm. Kirk Nakamura, 1 Panasonic Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094, Phone 201-348-7000, TOLL FREE: 1-800-447-4700. PRODUCTS: JVC electronics, MCA movies/television programs, Panasonic electronics, Pioneer electronics, Universal movies, television programs and videocassettes. Sample programs: Married With Children (10/16 & 30/94); Ghost; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; NYPD Blue (11/1/94).
6. First Interstate Bancorp, Chrm. Edward M. Carson, 633 W. 5th St., T12-60, Los Angeles, CA 90071, Phone 213-614-5502, FAX 213-614-4786. PRODUCTS: First Interstate Bank. Sample programs: Necessary Roughness; Bugsy; Sisters (11/5/94); Cagney & Lacey: The Return.
7. Unilever United States Inc., Pres. Richard A. Goldstein, 390 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022, Phone 212-888-1260, FAX 212-906-4411, TOLL FREE: 1-800-598-1223. PRODUCTS: Aim toothpaste, Breyers ice cream products, Brut toiletries, Calvin Klein cosmetics, Caress soap, Close-Up toothpaste, Country Crock butter, Dove soap, Kettle Creations soup mixes, Lever 2000 soap, Lipton tea and soups, Mentadent toothpaste, Q-tips, Ragu’ Italian foods, Snuggle liquid fabric softener, Sunflowers perfume, Vaseline products, Wisk detergent. Sample programs: NYPD Blue (10/18 &11/1/94); Problem Child 2; Ghost; Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
8. MasterCard International, Inc., Pres. Eugene Lockhart, 888 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10106, Phone 212-649-4600, FAX 212-649-5058. PRODUCTS: MasterCard credit cards. Sample programs: Walker, Texas Ranger (10/22/94); Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Another 48 Hours.
9. Sara Lee Corp., Chrm. John H. Bryan, 70 W. Madison Ave., Chicago, IL 60602, Phone 312-726-2600, FAX 312-726-3712, TOLL FREE: 1-800-727-2533. PRODUCTS: Behold furniture polish, Bryan meat products, Cross Your Heart Bra, Endust furniture polish, Hanes hosiery and underwear, Hillshire Farm foods, Isotoner gloves and knitted accessories, L’eggs hosiery, Playtex garments, Sara Lee frozen baked goods. Sample programs: Problem Child 2; Sweet Justice (10/22/94); Melrose Place (10/24/ & 11/7/94); Roseanne and Tom.
10. Cosmair, Inc., Chrm. Lindsay Owen-Jones, 575 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10017, Phone 212-818-1500, FAX 212-984-4999. PRODUCTS: Casting hair color, Gloria Vanderbilt perfume, L’Oreal hair care products, Plenitude, Preference hair dye, Studio Line hair products. Sample programs: Roseanne and Tom; Sisters (10/22/94); Melrose Place (10/24, 10/31 & 11/7/94); Models, Inc. (11/9/94).
11. Time Warner Inc., Chrm. Gerald Levin, 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10019, Phone 212-484-8000, FAX 212-956-2847. PRODUCTS: Cinemax pay cable service, Home Box Office, People magazine, Southern Living magazine, Sports Illustrated magazine, Time magazine, Warner Brothers productions. Sample programs: Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Sisters (10/29/94); NYPD Blue (11/1/94); Melrose Place (11/7/94).
12. Sandoz Corp., Pres. Daniel C. Wagniere, 608 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10020, Phone 212-307-1122, FAX 212-246-0185. PRODUCTS: ExLax laxative, Gas-X Tablets, Tavist D medication, Thera-Flu cold medicine, Triaminic cough formula. Sample programs: Necessary Roughness, Problem Child 2; Hearts Afire (10/22/94); Terminator 2:Judgment Day; Women in Prison.