Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder
September 1997 – For at least four decades now, our society has been involved in a cultural and moral battle. The outcome of that battle will determine the kind of society our country, and probably that of Western Civilization, will have for centuries to come.
Twenty years of being involved in that battle has given me plenty of experience. What is surprising is the growing number of leaders in the old-line churches who have – wittingly or unwittingly – joined hands to push the left-wing agenda, especially the pro-homosexual agenda.
Episcopalians just defeated by one vote a move to bless same-sex unions. The next session will probably mean approval. At their last national meeting, United Methodists had 15 of their bishops calling for the ordination of homosexuals (some even wanted homosexual marriage approved). Presbyterians (PCUSA) are moving in that direction. The United Church of Christ has already approved homosexual ordination.
Just a few years ago many of the old-line denominations joined hands to sponsor The Re-Imagining Conference which promoted the worship of the goddess Sophia. Recently the United Methodists sponsored a meeting in Kansas City in which one speaker proclaimed, “We have to stop praising Abraham’s knife. We have to stop praising Solomon’s sword. We have to stop praising Jesus’ cross.” The speaker, Nancy Pereira, went on to say, “We have to look at Jesus’ cross as a tragedy, a human episode without any sense of meaning.”
With the rare exception of Southern Baptists and Assemblies of God, none of the largest denominations in America have made the stopping of cultural moral rot a high priority. Does this mean that people sitting in the pews aren’t concerned? Not at all. They are concerned, but they are at a loss on what to do to turn the tide.
As long as those Bible believing Christians in the pews are willing to provide funding for those at the top whose agenda is to reshape every church into the liberal model, the old-line denominations will continue to aid and abet this moral corruption in our society.
If your denomination is one where leaders have joined the wrong side of this cultural war, the best thing you and your local church can do is to stop their funding. You can refuse to send money to those individuals, boards and agencies which are intent on pushing the left-wing, pro-homosexual agenda. You can pick and choose where to send your funds, and you can send them directly. You are under no obligation to help finance the destruction of your denomination.
Of course, you will have to do some study to know whether or not to send funds. But that will make you better stewards. Nothing worthwhile is accomplished without effort.
A few individual churches are already doing this. As long as it is only a handful, the powers that be can effectively deal with them. But when that handful turns into hundreds or even thousands, you will find changes being made.
It is time for Bible-believing Christians to stop funding the pro-homosexual agenda in their denominations. Will you and your church be among those who are ready to join
the battle?