Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder
April 1999 – Unless I’m terribly wrong, the situation in Washington has left many who are engaged in the culture war badly depressed. What a sorry mess it has been. What a shameless manner for the president of the United States to act.
I must confess that for the past year I have not felt too good about the way the culture war has been going. It seemed that Hollywood had succeeded in passing its bankrupt morals on to our society. And while the pagans in Hollywood have done great damage to the moral health of our nation, evidently they haven’t been as successful as they
would like.
Consider some facts which should give you cause to look up and rejoice:
➤ Illegitimate birth rates are down.
➤ Teen births are down.
➤ The abortion rate is down.
➤ The percentage of teens having sex is down.
➤ The percentage of teens dropping out of school is down.
➤ The teen suicide rate is down.
➤ The divorce rate is down.
➤ Violent crime is down.
➤ Vandalism is down.
➤ Teenage drinking is down.
Also, the percentage of Americans who say religion is “very important” to them is up. The percentage of teens who attend religious services is up. Per capita charitable contributions are up.
There is no doubt that AFA supporters have played a big role in creating these changes. There are still pastors who are willing to take a stand and lead toward righteousness. There are still dedicated lay people who are willing to do the same. There are still people willing to give their time, money and talents in the battle for our children. I thank God for all of you. What a blessing and inspiration you have been to me!
No, we haven’t won. But neither have we lost. We are still engaged in the battle, the outcome is still in doubt. That is good news. So hold your head high. It may be bloodied but it is unbowed. You may be tired, but you are not exhausted. You are engaged in a battle where everything appears stacked against you, but God is still God. He does not sleep, nor does he slumber. He is awake and involved. It takes longer to change the hearts of people, but that is where the battle ultimately will be decided.
While a majority of individuals want our president to remain in office because their pocketbooks are fat, that same majority feels that he lacks moral leadership abilities and cannot be trusted. Many may not want to do right, but at least they still know what is right. For that we can be thankful.