Abortion issue is U.S. holocaust
By David Miller, AFA Affiliate Director
January 1999 – I didn’t do too well in history classes in school. I guess I just wasn’t interested or didn’t see any relevance to my life right then. But concern about the moral decay of our nation has forced me to look more seriously at history (so as to avoid repeating its mistakes) and to get involved with AFA in an attempt to have an impact on the direction of our country.
One of the most meaningful displays of history I’ve ever seen has to be the American Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. I toured it a couple of years ago and its impression on me is still felt to this day. As I read and studied the displays, I kept wondering how such a heinous thing could have happened without much opposition. And, of course, I wondered if it could happen in America today. Who would it be? Then I realized that, yes, it is happening in America today. Our holocaust victims are our own pre-born children. How could we let this happen?
Our nation will soon mark the 26th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion on demand. That dreadful day was January 22, 1973.
Now a generation into this American holocaust, it is estimated that over 37,000,000 babies have died at the hands of abortionists. This is more than six times greater than the 6,000,000 Jews murdered by Hitler. Their names would fill the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial wall over 700 times. During these 25 years, one child was aborted for approximately every three born.
Author Frederica Mathewes-Green sums it up well: “Abortion has been a disaster, first for the children who died and second for those who survived to grieve a lost child, grandchild, or sibling. It has damaged us all. How can we even measure the spiritual cost levied on a country that pronounces the killing of its own children a celebrated right?”
I think one of the greatest costs has been our conscience. How else can a young mother deliver her baby in the bathroom at her senior prom, throw it in the trash, and then hit the dance floor with her favorite tune?
How can our President be saturated with information about partial-birth abortion, yet veto bans on the procedure and still sleep at night? The latest great ethical debate is over the issue of cloning. I still can’t figure out why secularists are fussing about it. If our country can accept partial-birth abortion, cloning should be a breeze.
So what if cloning a single animal, the sheep Dolly, involved the deaths of 277 developing embryos and resulted in some duplicate lambs being born with severe and lethal birth defects?
Who cares if, because of the differences in the way sheep and human cells divide, cloning humans poses greater difficulty resulting in even more deaths and lethal birth defects?
We’ve created an atmosphere in this country that says life is not sacred. It is cheap, especially if you can create it in a test tube or petri dish.
We’re also saying that we don’t need God anymore. Richard Seed, the Chicago scientist on the verge of human cloning, says, “Cloning and the reprogramming of DNA is the first serious step in becoming one with God.” This philosophy that has developed in the last generation has sown death to its core.
The Apostle Paul said in Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.”
The harvest on our horizon is euthanasia, which Dr. C. Everett Koop says will dwarf abortion. Ironically, the generation that has forced death upon this culture will likely die at the hands of their own children, or at least the children that made it into this world alive.