Tim Wildmon
AFA president
January 1999 – “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
Charles Dickens from A Tale of Two Cities
Man has always been fascinated with guessing what the future holds. So has woman, but man was first, as the history books tell us. And here we are in the year 2525 and man is still alive. And so is woman. But man was first to stay alive as the history books tell us. Actually this is 1999 unless your copy of the AFA Journal got lost in the mail for a very long time. And I was playing off that old Zager and Evans ’70s hit In the Year 2525 and 1999 doesn’t rhyme with alive. Think about it.
But seriously, I wonder, what does the future hold for us humans and, more specifically, for us Americans?
I was trying to think of some of the major accomplishments of the last century. I don’t think there is any doubt that the 20th century has brought more change to the world than has any other. And if you go back another 50 years there is no question.Think about it. Electricity was put into practical use by Thomas Edison in 1879 with the incandescent lamp. The telephone? Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone in 1876, and teenage girls worship it even to this day. The bath tub? The year was 1850. I don’t know who invented it, but to that person we owe a great deal of gratitude (I’ve got to think this was one of those “now, why didn’t I think of that” inventions when it was first put on display at the hardware store.) The automobile? And how many centuries was the horse used until April of 1893 when Henry Ford took his first car for a test run and later mass produced them? How about air travel? The year was 1903 when Orville and Wilbur Wright’s makeshift aircraft got off the ground. The middle of the 20th century saw radio, television and computers become a major part of our lives and today the personal computer is in almost every business, home and school in America. Wow! Can there possibly be another 150 year span that would bring so much technological advancement to mankind? Maybe.
Did you notice one thing all the above gentlemen had in common? That’s right, they all had an “e” in their names somewhere. But can you name another characteristic they all shared? It was the fact they were all Americans. So my question is: Where would this world be without America?
What country has commissioned more missionaries and built more hospitals around the world than any other nation? America. What country provides more disaster relief to countries around the world? America. What country has come to the aid of weaker countries when they were threatened and bullied by tyrants such as Adolph Hitler and most recently Saddam Hussein? America, that’s who. Which country of all the countries in the world enjoys the highest standard of living and is the most educated? Again, it is the good ol’ United States of America.
And what of the advancements in science and medicine the last decade or so? Things we never would have thought possible 25 years ago are common today. Indeed, in many respects, these are the best of times for Americans. We are the most prosperous people on Earth.
So many of the virtuous attributes, qualities, accomplishments and achievements of this country and by its citizens have sprung from liberty and freedom undergirded by the Christian value system, the Christian religion which teaches love and respect for fellow man and which has always championed the value of each individual human life. Sadly, in 1999 America, we see these values eroding. If we dismiss the moral values which were – at one time – the foundation for this republic, then all we are left with is raw greed, materialism and the lust for money, power and position. We may be wealthy, but our treasure chest will be empty.
So what does tomorrow hold? I certainly hope the next century will be one of peace, prosperity and revival. I am convinced, however, that we must return to the God of our fathers if America is to remain a strong influence for good in this world.
Now let’s see. Hmmm. What can I invent that hasn’t already been invented? I’m thinking a sound-proof shield between the front seat of our van and the back where our three children make a cacophony (look it up) of noises much like you might find in the middle of an African jungle. Think I could sell those things? Oh yeah, I know for a fact I could sell a bazillion. I’d call it the “Bring Back The Peace Shield.” See, you parents of young children are ringing my phone already. Now will that be cash, check or credit card? I think I am ready to handle being
filthy rich.