Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder
January 1999 – In 1993 George W. Bush commented that people who do not accept Christ as their Savior will not go to heaven. Now Bush, governor of Texas, has apologized for making that comment. It seems that Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League was upset because Bush’s comment offended some Jewish people. So candidate Bush recently said he was sorry if he offended anyone. Bush plans to run for president.
At Texas A&M University, athlete Dan Campbell said he was glad to attend a school where men like women and women like men. His remark outraged homosexual activists on campus who complained to university officials. Days later University President Ray Bowen, Athletic Director Wally Groff and Campbell himself apologized for the student’s outrageous statement and offending the homosexuals.
In England, the Birmingham City Council said that no longer would Christmas, the birthday of Christ, be celebrated in England’s second largest city. Now Birmingham will celebrate “Winterval.” Christmas and Christ were found to be offensive to some.
Actress Sharon Stone, Hollywood’s symbol of beauty, said recently that parents should supply condoms for their teens. Stone says that the influence of sex outweighs that of family and church. Parents supplying their kids with condoms, makes it “a nonjudgmental situation for them to have condoms.” Some kids might be offended if told that sex outside marriage is wrong.
CBS aired a prime-time snuff segment on 60 Minutes showing Dr. Jack Kevorkian administering a lethal injection to a man suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease. CBS said it was a judgment call and that people should not be offended with the program.
A&E, the cable channel partially owned by Disney, continues airing its series concerning the Holy Land and Biblical events using B.C.E. and C.E. (Before Common Era and Common Era) as a date reference instead of B.C. and A.D. (Before Christ and Anno Domini). Media and governments are expected to begin using B.C.E. and C.E. as official dating procedure because the B.C. and A.D. designation offend some people.
In California, 67 United Methodist ministers said they will defy church law and scripture and participate in the marriage ceremony between the conference lay leader and her lesbian partner. Their bishop has supported such unions. Should they be brought to church trial they are expected to be acquitted and remain in good standing. They said that current church law is offensive to homosexuals.
Now to the important church news. Our church supper is scheduled for next Tuesday. Attendance was good even though it was down slightly last Sunday. The preacher delivered a good message about loving the earth. Our building fund is still growing. We need volunteers to help with the nursery next week. And our committee will meet on Thursday to decide the color of paint to be used in the youth Sunday School room.
And that’s the way it is this week.