Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder
November-December 2001 – I have lived long enough to realize that occasionally a window of opportunity will open, and that it is important for the opportunity to be seized.
I feel that we currently have a window of opportunity to place our national motto posters in public facilities and local classrooms across the country. Thus far, nearly a quarter-million of these posters have been ordered and posted in public offices and classrooms.
Of course, when we began our efforts about 18 months ago to get our “In God We Trust” posters displayed, the ACLU made loud noises and issued threats to sue anyone who dared display our national motto in a public facility or school classroom. Well, with ample opportunity to do so, the ACLU has failed to file a lawsuit against the posting of our national motto.
They have refused to sue because of a good reason–they know they will lose. They know they don’t have a case. But they also know they can scare public officials with their threats.
Our country has a rich religious heritage. We should not deny nor obliterate that heritage simply because a small group of people doesn’t like it and doesn’t want it. Our motto is a part of that heritage. Time and again the courts have ruled that the motto does not in any way violate any federal laws. Would it not be strange, indeed, that the display of our national motto would be illegal?
Millions of school children are now exposed to our national motto each day simply because concerned individuals cared enough to get involved. Perhaps the students will be intrigued enough to ask what the motto means. And perhaps they will be interested enough to pursue the religious history of our nation. Of course that will drive the ACLU bonkers, but so be it. The ACLU is not the final arbitrator of law in our society.
I encourage you to get involved in this project while we have that window of opportunity. Order the posters and ask members of your church to help with the distribution. Go to your local school board, supervisors, city council, etc. and ask them to encourage the display of our national motto.
The events of September 11 have caused many to take another look at life, at their country, at what is important. The soil is fertile. It is time to plant the seed, to help this country of ours return to its roots.
There is a scriptural truth found in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30. The principle is that Christians should be faithful to Christ in their opportunities for service in the kingdom of God. Christians who are not faithful may find themselves without future opportunities altogether.
That truth has a wider application here. When it comes to our collective religious freedom, this opportunity must be seized and not squandered.
I hope you will get involved today. Order a hundred posters, take them to your church, encourage others to take posters and display them wherever they can.
The window of opportunity is open. We don’t know when it may close.