AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs
January 2004 – The decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court that same-sex couples must be granted the right to marry could lead to the destruction of the institution of marriage, according to AFA, adding urgency to its call for a constitutional amendment to protect marriage.
“This was a bitterly disappointing decision,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon, “For any state to sanctify sodomy and pretend it is as normal and natural as heterosexual marriage is not only delusional, but also abominable.”
The Massachusetts high court ruled 4-3 that the state constitution requires the legalization of same-sex marriage, and ordered the legislature to comply with the decision.
Conservatives have been warning that “gay” activists intend to use such a ruling to force the recognition of homosexual marriages nationwide, since the U.S. Constitution is generally understood to require states to accept as valid the marriages performed in other states.
Pro-family groups are urging members of Congress to pass a Federal Marriage Amendment, which would define marriage as being between one man and one woman. A version of the amendment has been introduced in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is unclear how many in Congress would support changing the Constitution to protect marriage.
More than 853,000 people have signed AFA’s online petition asking members of Congress to pass the amendment.
Wildmon also said Christian clergy will play a critical role in the battle to protect marriage. He hopes to attract more than 50,000 pastors who are willing to be involved in the nation’s cultural battles.