Rebecca Grace
AFA Journal staff writer
November-December 2004 – Say good-bye to Britney’s bare belly, and say hello to Ella’s elegant edge. That’s right! Eleven-year-old Ella Gunderson of Redmond, Washington, has adopted a style of her own that has become this year’s fall fashion trend.
Almost a year ago, Ella voiced her opinion of modern-day fashion in a letter to Nordstrom after becoming extremely frustrated while shopping with her mother and sister at a local Nordstrom store in Bellevue Square. She decided to pen the letter after watching her sister, Robin, 16-year-old fashion guru of the family, struggle over finding the right size jeans.
But what really moved Ella to action was the sales clerk who encouraged her sister to buy the smaller size so that she could have “the look” – that look being a tight and sensuous one.
“I didn’t even know she was really paying attention in the store when I was trying them on,” Robin said. “She was just sitting there outside the dressing room.”
But Ella’s wheels were turning as she thought about today’s fashion trends.
“I see all of these girls who walk around with pants that show their bellybutton and underwear,” she wrote to Nordstrom. “Even at my age, I know that that is not modest.”
Ella’s plea for modesty turned out to be the cry of many other girls who began echoing her sentiments, thus catapulting a push for more modest styles to be marketed by the fashion industry.
“I’m hoping to get the message across that you can be modest and still be fashionable, cool, and comfy,” Ella said.
It was Ella’s straightforwardness delicately laced with politeness that caught the attention of the company and sent her message all the way to Pete Nordstrom, an executive vice president and president of Nordstrom’s full-line stores.
“With a pair of clothes from your store, I would walk around showing half of my body and not fully dressed it seems,” Ella wrote. “Your clerks suggest that there is only one look. If that is true, then girls are supposed to walk around half-naked. I think that you should change that.”
Ella’s suggestion for change was welcomed by Nordstrom as evident from the responses she received from the company. Kris Allan, store manage of Nordstrom Bellevue, and Loretta Soffe, vice president and central merchandising manager for Nordstrom Brass Plum, wrote Ella individual letters thanking her and insuring her that her suggestions would be taken seriously.
“I was very surprised to receive a response. It made me feel proud because they had actually listened to me,” Ella said.
“It sounds as if you are quite mature and your parents should be very proud of you for standing up for your modesty,” Allan wrote in response.
Neither Ella nor her family had any inkling that a simple letter would garner such media attention. In fact, Pam Gunderson, Ella’s mother, didn’t even know her daughter had written the letter until Ella brought the finished copy to her.
“Of course we’re proud of her, especially since she is such a quiet person and talking to others just doesn’t come naturally to her,” said Mrs. Gunderson. The Gunderson family began supporting AFA almost two years ago.
“Thankfully she had developed a prayer life of her own and a relationship with Christ of her own before this came about,” Mrs. Gunderson added.
Ella’s faith became her stronghold as the contents of the letter landed her an interview with CNN and a spot on NBC’s Today Show. Ella now had the opportunity to voice her opinion about modesty on national TV.
“It was kind of scary because that was my first time being in a TV station, but it was a good experience,” Ella said.
Although she realizes that the media attention is to her advantage when it comes to getting her message of modesty out, she really doesn’t like it. Being in the limelight is not Ella’s idea of making a difference.
“But we are glad to serve the Lord in whatever way He asks,” Mrs. Gunderson said on behalf of the family.
“He chose Ella, and when the Holy Spirit prompted her to write the letter she said yes,” she explained. “When He spurred the media to request interviews, she said yes. When He asked her to go way out of her comfort zone and appear on TV, she said yes.”
In essence, it’s all about being obedient to the Lord, as evident from Ella’s actions.
“It’s amazing how much one little letter can do,” Robin said in support of Ella. “Never underestimate your little sister.”
And according to Ella, never underestimate yourself and your ability to be used by God. “I’ve learned that if you stand up for what you think is right, then you just might be heard,” Ella said.