Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder
September 2004 – This is an election year. All parties are telling us what they will do to solve the many and varied problems we have in our society, problems such as:
WELFARE. Millions of Americans are living on welfare. Most of them have legitimate needs. But billions of dollars are wasted through fraud. Our government has come up with all kinds of programs to solve the welfare problem, and most of them just make the problem worse.
DRUGS AND ALCOHOL. We have, and have had for many years, a major problem with drugs. Our government has spent billions of dollars to fight the drug problem. The age when people begin using drugs gets younger and younger. We have made little, if any, progress toward reducing the drug and alcohol problem.
CRIME. Over the last few decades we have seen a steady increase in crime. The average age of those committing crime has grown younger. Gangs run rampant in our larger cities and now are moving to smaller communities.
TAXES. With every problem that comes up, our government has a single solution – more money. Of course the only place they can get more money is to take it from the citizens. They don’t hesitate to do that because it isn’t their money they are taking, it is yours. They can then use that money to help insure their re-election by making it appear that the government is giving you something. It has been said that a democracy can exist only until the people discover that they can, in effect, vote themselves a pay raise by electing politicians who promise them the moon.
EDUCATION. National education is now under the control of the National Education Association, the largest union in America. The NEA, working in conjunction with politically powerful elected officials, has drained our coffers of billions of dollars. Yet the condition of our educational system continues to decline. Masses of our children are being shortchanged. They can’t read. They can’t speak proper English. They can’t write or spell. And yet we are told that if the government would only give them a few billion more, the problems could be solved.
THE SOLUTION. Oddly enough, for the past several decades our government has been attacking and weakening the very best program we have to address these problems. That program is the intact, nuclear family with a father, mother and children. Yet government support for the family is nearly non-existent. How government programs affect the family is not an issue.
Now we have another attack, perhaps the final attack that will destroy the family as we have known it and as our Creator planned it – the push for homosexual marriage. If those pushing homosexual marriage are successful – and they will be unless the public rises up and gets involved – our social problems will only increase. A man marrying another man? A woman marrying another woman? Three men and one woman marrying? A father marrying his daughter?
When the definition of marriage is anything other than between a man and a woman, then the family will become the responsibility of the state.
Is that what we want? Are we willing to aggressively work to prohibit it? The decision is in your hands.