Randall Murphree
AFA Journal editor
April 2008 – The theme for the 57th Annual National Day of Prayer – “Prayer! America’s Strength and Shield” – is taken from Psalm 28:7a: “The Lord is my strength and shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.” Will there ever be a more critical juncture in our nation’s history than the 2008 elections? The following excerpt comes from a 1996 column I wrote for Religious Broadcasting magazine.
The late Leonard Ravenhill, perceptive observer of our time, spoke a sobering truth for America: “The self-sufficient do not pray, the self-satisfied will not pray, the self-righteous cannot pray.”
We hold aloft our trophies, proclaiming, “Look what we have done!” We neglect the gracious Giver of all good gifts. We have become self-satisfied, prideful in our meaningless, material accomplishments. We rest, pampered and apathetic, in the arms of self-serving affluence. We forget the One who offers true satisfaction. We have become self-righteous, resting lethargically in the sunlight streaming through our stained glass windows. We are arrogant, even about our faith. We ignore the Vine who says, “Without me you can do nothing.”
It is imperative that we cast our fervent prayers to the Rock. In his 1863 Proclamation for a National Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, President Abraham Lincoln said, “It behooves us, then to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.” In the context of our time, Lincoln’s words have the ring of prophecy – words spoken to his fellows in a time of internal war and personal tragedies, yet words which seem so very appropriate for us today.
If we do not heed the warnings made obvious by our critically ill culture, the illness could be terminal. Time and time again God has judged nations by the character of His people. When His people failed in their faith, their nations fell. America’s believers – broadcasters and brick masons, plumbers and preachers, janitors and judges, editors and educators – must spend time on our faces before Almighty God, repenting of our personal sins as well as our national sins.
Pray for a deepening personal relationship with the Savior; for families in America, including your own; for your workplace, office, home or classroom; for unsaved family, friends and acquaintances, co-workers; for city, county, state and national leaders; and for leaders in the Body of Christ in America and around the world.
Finally, pray for this year’s critical elections. From the White House to the courthouse, pray that Godly men and women will be elected and appointed to public office.
On May 1 find a way to participate in National Day of Prayer and/or Meet at City Hall. There has never been a more critical time nor a greater opportunity for the Body of Christ to be salt and light in our nation. 
For church and individual resources and information to promote, participate in or organize a prayer event in your community:
▶ AFA’s 17th Annual Meet at City Hall www.afa.net
▶ National Day of Prayer www.ndptf.org