By Jeff Reed, producer of Focal Point*
April 2013 – “You just missed the inauguration!” said the doorman with a wide smile.
He was right. We had arrived in Washington, D.C., January 23, two days after the most pro-abortion U.S. president in history was sworn in for his second term.
My wife Anne and I were there to cover the 40th annual March for Life for AFA. We were there to stand together in defense of innocent children in the womb, while solemnly acknowledging the profound loss, grief and cultural shifts that have taken place as a result of the Roe v Wade decision, which opened wide the doors to abortion in 1973.
The next morning we awoke to falling snow and frigid temperatures as we headed to a prayer vigil outside a Planned Parenthood abortion facility. A small pro-abortion group held signs, chanted and screamed profanities at times.
Later, at a youth rally, we were amazed by the number of students who overflowed the conference space. Students poured in to hear Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life, abortion survivor Melissa Ohden and others.
On the day of the March for Life, the biting wind was subdued by the warmth of an estimated 650,000 marchers. The energy was joyful, yet serious.
Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum urged the crowd to give disabled children a chance at life. He and his wife Karen are parents of 4-year-old Bella, who suffers from a developmental disorder.
“We were encouraged to abort her,” Santorum said, “because she was going to be saddled with disabilities and it would be ‘better’ for her. But we all know that death is never better.”
First term U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) spoke from his perspective as a physician who has held the tiny bodies of one-pound babies.
“I believe that great nations and great civilizations spring from a people who have a moral compass,” Paul said. “Our nation is adrift, adrift in a wilderness where right and wrong have become subservient to a hedonism of the moment. I believe our country is in need of a revival.”
Men and women personally affected by abortion led the march up Capitol Hill to the steps of the Supreme Court where expressions of regret, forgiveness and redemption flowed through two hours of compelling, real-life testimonials.
With time yet remaining, a security guard urgently approached the podium announcing that a “suspicious package” had been located. The march was officially over, and a rushed evacuation of the streets ensued.
The following morning, we noticed a crowd gathered in the shadow of the Washington Monument. Maybe you have heard about this event – the mainstream media covered it extensively, claiming thousands rallied in favor of gun control.
In actuality it was more like 800. Strategic camera angles created misleading footage that flooded mainstream media reports that night. Sure, many have recognized liberal bias in the media for a long time now, but to witness the depth of the deception first hand was heart wrenching. How could a march for the most basic God given right be practically ignored in spite of 650,000 peacefully assembled, and yet a rally that could barely outnumber the dog walkers and Frisbee flingers in the park that day be wall-to-wall on major networks?
We left D.C. with a new determination to pour ourselves into every aspect of what AFA is doing to bring honest media to those who care to hear. It has become obvious that AFA is not simply an alternative media. AFA is the media that people rely on to tell the truth. Our God holds us accountable to that standard. May we be ever faithful. 
*Focal Point is a daily two-hour issues-oriented show featuring Bryan Fischer on AFR Talk radio.