Never, never give up
Tim Wildmon
Tim Wildmon
AFA president

March 1994 –  On my dad’s office door is this cartoon. The caption reads: “Don’t ever give up!”

Some people don’t understand when I tell them I get tired of rehashing the decline of morality and the loss of traditional values. “But isn’t that your job?” they ask. I’ll kid you not – talking about abortion, pornography, homosexuality, television violence and other social ills – as we do here in the AFA Journal each month – gets old sometimes. But just as ignoring cancer in the body won’t make it go away, ignoring the cancer of Godlessness will not make it go away.

Often when I speak to different groups someone will say how informative our Journal is. Then they say something like, “But you know, I can only read so much bad news.”

My usual response is, “Hey, I understand. I’m the same way.” However, if you look at the  on balance I think you’ll say that there is some good news in these pages as well. Good news about how some Americans are taking a stand and making good things happen in their towns, communities and in the nation. After all, turning back evil is a good thing isn’t it?

I remember hearing an evangelist respond once to a criticism that he didn’t express Christian love enough because he preached against sin so often. His response was that he was expressing love to the rape victim when he preached against pornography, he was expressing love to the pre-born baby when he preached against abortion, he was expressing love to a lot of women and children when he preached against the abuse of alcohol and he was expressing love to the homosexual when he proclaimed what the scriptures say will happen to those who practice sodomy and don’t repent.

Just like God calls different people to different tasks, so He calls different ministries and organizations to different tasks. And so while we here at AFA get battle weary sometimes – and perhaps you get tired of reading about unpleasant things in the pages of this Journal – we must not be ignorant, but we must keep fighting and take the attitude of the frog even while his head was inside the beak of the crane. Let’s grab hold to the neck of the enemy of traditional values and never, never, never, never give up!