Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder
June 1999 – Littleton, Colorado. It wasn’t the first. It will not be the last. I could say I told you so. In fact, I could say I told you so many times over many years.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what has happened. The media and the “experts” have spent 40 years trying to build this new society.
Hollywood, where pagans are in control, has served up a steady appetite of sexual immorality, violence, profanity. Crying “censorship” against anyone who tried to raise a reasonable voice, they have pushed their hedonistic values upon America’s youth. They didn’t have any religion, and they didn’t want religion to have any influence. So they simply refused to show religion as a part of life, or when it was shown it was an extreme negative.
The liberal news media have been bed-fellows with their Hollywood cohorts. Religion, at best, gets an article or two on Saturday. It was the unforgivable sin for a conservative Christian to apply his faith to his politics. But when liberal Christians did it, it was OK. Editorials and news articles were filled with “examples” of how conservative Christians were a negative.
Liberal politicians, knowing what is best for us, have punished marriage and stay at home moms. Government for them has become God, and they are His spokesmen. Government knows better how to raise a family, what values and ethics to teach the children. Get those children when they are as young as possible, and program their minds was the goal of those who were tired of Christian values being the norm.
The anti-Christian types like the ACLU have worked hard to get God out of society. They have no god other than themselves and are offended if anyone has a god other than their own. It is OK to be Christian only as long as you don’t let anyone know about it.
The National Education Association has spent hundreds of millions, not in trying to teach Johnny to read, write, and do math, but in seizing control of the schools and turning them into centers to promote their secular experiment.
Even many of our Christian leaders have given up on the personal God and joined hands with the godless. They take the gifts of hardworking, Bible-believing local church members and use them to promote everything from homosexuality to the government’s liberal social agenda.
Now all these people are crying that we must do something. The truth is that we have already done something, and because of what we have done for the past 40 years we have Littleton. “We want to change this, stop this madness,” they cry. But when confronted about changing any of their ways, they balk.
They remind me of the drunk who wanted to change, to become sober. But he didn’t want it to interfere with his drinking. There was a time in this country when the leaders had the same traditional Biblical values of the people. But that has changed.
Unless we join hands and restore those values, there will be more and more Littletons. This is one time when going backward is moving forward.