Let the wailing begin
Don Wildmon
Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder

March 2000 – For almost 200 years, millions of children did it at the beginning of each school day. Then, our nation’s highest court ruled that it was illegal. What crime have these children committed? They prayed in school.

Later, unsatisfied that the state was not getting its rightful recognition as god, the same court – in its infinite wisdom – ruled that not only could children not pray, they could not be exposed in a public school to the Ten Commandments. Not only that, but the Court ruled that the Commandments could not be displayed in any public building – school, courthouse, city hall, library, etc. Instrumental in bringing about all these changes was, of course, the infamous American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

I got to thinking the other day about doing something which would give the ACLU fits and at the same time present a situation about which they could do nothing. In other words, accomplish the same goal as posting the Ten Commandments, but do it in a way which would be upheld in any unbiased court in the land.

Occasionally, I come up with a worthwhile idea. And I think I have a pretty good one this time. If you want to join the effort and give the ACLU fits, here it is.

Your AFA has produced a beautiful 11 x 14-inch poster featuring our nation’s official motto, In God We Trust, adopted by Congress in 1956. The poster can be framed and displayed in every public building in America. And you know what? The ACLU can’t do a thing about it. How could it be illegal to post our national motto in any school, courthouse or other public building?

Want to see the real bigotry of the “freedom of speech” groups? Then order copies of this poster, frame them and present them to be hung in public buildings in your area.

Our national motto reflects the belief which our forefathers held, that trust in God is the bedrock precept of this noble experiment we call America. The ACLU and liberal judges may not allow the posting of the Ten Commandments, but they cannot prohibit the posting of our national motto!

Students walking down the hall will see and read this motto, and they may even be influenced by it. That is something the Supreme Court was afraid would happen when they made posting the Ten Commandments illegal.

I hope you will order at least three of these posters, frame them and present them to your local school for hanging. (Available at afastore.net.) We will send you three copies at a cost of only $10 and we will pay for shipping. Can you imagine the wailing from the ACLU when they realize they are helpless to remove these posters?

That, in itself, is worth $10!  undefined