Why I avoid the issues
Don Wildmon
Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder

November-December 2002 – I have often wondered, in the midst of the cultural war in which we find ourselves, why some ministers refuse to address some of the most destructive social vices of our day. In the following satire, I try to imagine being one of those ministers.

I am a minister. My people, the human sheep of my sheepfold, look to me for spiritual guidance. I take my job seriously. God has entrusted the proper nourishment and feeding of my flock to me. Following the examples of those who have gone before me, I use the Bible as my guide.

There are many areas of importance on which I have studied, prepared, and presented sermons to my flock.

However, it is true that I have not spoken on the taking of unborn life. I have not spoken on the damage being done by pornography. I have not spoken on the Christian's responsibility to become involved in the democratic process. I have not spoken on the response of Christians to those who desire to make homosexuality acceptable and approved. I have not spoken on the disastrous effects which gambling is having on our society. I have not spoken on the responsibility of parents to be deeply involved in the lives of their children. I have not spoken on the damage caused by alcohol and drugs.

There are good, solid reasons I have not addressed these issues. For one thing, many of my members would find them uncomfortable. Many of my members would find them controversial. And many of my members might disagree with the Scriptural interpretation. Some of the leaders in my denomination would find the Scriptural answers unacceptable.

But there is another good, practical reason I have not addressed these issues, and that is they are already being addressed by others. For instance, the entertainment and news media constantly and regularly speak to these issues.

In addition, many of our public schools – with the help of the National Education Association – are addressing these issues. And with the help of the National Endowment for the Arts, museums and other public institutions are addressing these issues.

What the Bible has to say concerning these issues is, of course, vastly different from what they hear from the media day in and day out. The media is constantly before my congregation, spewing out their definition of how these issues should be addressed and what the outcome should be. If I give the Biblical perspective, it will be in major conflict with what they constantly hear. I'm sure that many of my members would disagree, some vehemently, with the Biblical perspective. They, then, could cause me to be very uncomfortable.

Afraid? No, not really. It's just that there are other things more important which my flock needs to hear. Why cause division? Why cause conflict? Why upset my people? If I preach on the broader principles, then my flock will apply those principles to the specific issues. Or, at least, that is what I'm hoping.

Surely, reasonable people can agree that the manner in which I'm handling this vast conflict between the majority in the media and the teaching of Scripture is the most effective approach.

You would agree with that, would you not?  undefined