I am the Church
Don Wildmon
Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder

February 2003 – I am the Church. I work at a crisis pregnancy center. I help young girls and grown women seeking guidance on what to do with an unexpected pregnancy. I pray with them, counsel them, guide them, give them material support. I support them in their decision to give life to the unborn child. I weep when they do not. Yes, I am the Church.

I am the Church. I work in my community to establish standards which will help rid my community of pornography and obscenity. I complain to the elected officials. I work with them when the opportunity presents itself. I support laws which make it difficult for those who would exploit others for monetary gain. I educate my friends and neighbors about the destructive nature of this material. Yes, I am the Church.

I am the Church. I promote the philosophy that society should be color blind, that a person should not be denied rights enjoyed by others simply because of the color of his skin. I do not believe that racism is practiced only by those of one color. I believe that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, free nor slave, black nor white. Yes, I am the Church.

I am the Church. I am not afraid to be politically incorrect. I am not ashamed when I proclaim that Jesus is the Messiah, and through Him and Him alone can our sins be forgiven. I do not believe that all religions are equal. Yes, I believe that western civilization has progressed, made freedom more available, rights more equal, because of the Christian faith which proclaims that rights and responsibility go hand in hand. No, I am not ashamed of the Gospel. Yes, I am the Church.

I am the Church. I do believe that there is a moral standard which is higher and better, and that moral standard is based on the life and teaching of the One we call Christ. I do believe that when moral standards are relative and changing according to the whims of society, then society suffers. Yes, I am the Church.

I am the Church. I believe that marriage is the divine plan of God, and that marriage is reserved for one man and one woman. I believe that anything other than God’s divine plan is wrong, harmful, destructive and – yes, I will use the word sinful. Yes, I am the Church.

I am the Church. I am not a second-class citizen whose rights are circumvented simply because I am a follower of the Nazarene Carpenter. I have the right to vote for those who share my Christian values. I have the right to apply those Christian values to any office in which I may serve. I can and will apply my Christian values to the political process. I will render to Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, but I will also render to God the things which are God’s. Yes, I am the Church.

I am the Church. I will not allow anyone to take me out of the mainstream and confine me to the four walls of a building. I will not be silenced by those with different opinions. I will stand for what is right as God leads me to see it˝ and I will not apologize for doing so. Yes, I am the Church.

I am the Church. I will continue to uphold the basic, fundamental, time-proven teachings of the Church which have contributed so much to making my country the most free place the world has ever known. And I will do so despite the fact that some highly placed “church leaders” use church dollars and church channels in their attempt to lead us into a “brave new world.” Sin is still sin even when “church leaders” say it is not. Yes, I am the Church.

I am the Church. This world is not my home. I’m only passing through. I know that as long as I can apply and persuade others to apply the life and teachings of Christ to the world around them, they have helped make society better for everyone.

Yes, I am the Church. And I pray to God that I will continue to be the Church for as long as I live. That will be my gift to the God who gave me the gift of life.  undefined