Celebrating the Red, White, and Blue

By Pat Centner, AFAJ staff writer

June 2003 – As the wind lifted its edges and unfurled it majestically into the early morning sky, a young lawyer was moved to write a poem expressing his elation that it was still there in September of 1814. … After nearly 6,000 Marines were killed and 17,000 wounded, it was secured to a length of iron pipe and proudly raised on Iwo Jima in World War II. … Its colors shone brightly when it was planted on the moon in 1969. … Though ripped and scarred by the senseless attack on September 11, 2001, it was lifted high above the rubble of the World Trade Centers – strong and defiant in the face of unspeakable tragedy. … And when 2002 Olympian athletes paraded it reverently through the cold, starry night in Salt Lake City, millions of people were moved to tears.

It’s our nation’s flag – the “Star-Spangled Banner,” “Old Glory,” the “Stars and Stripes”  – and a symbol of America’s greatness.

June 14 is Flag Day in our nation – a day for celebrating the official birthday of our nation’s flag and to express appreciation for what it signifies to each of us. Flag Day parades are held across the nation, and we express our patriotism by displaying the flag outside our homes and businesses.

Contrary to popular belief, Betsy Ross did not design the flag that was used for the thirteen original colonies. Historians say that Congressman Francis Hopkinson was asked by George Washington to design the flag, which was then sewn by Betsy Ross, a Philadelphia seamstress.

On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress passed an act to establish an official flag for our new nation. The resolution ordered that the flag have 13 alternating red and white stripes, with 13 white stars set in a blue field. In 1794, two stripes and two stars were added to the design when Kentucky and Vermont joined the Union. This was the design of the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the “Star-Spangled Banner.” As states were added, the union (field of stars) was redesigned many times, and the stripes reverted to 13, representing the original colonies.

The first Flag Day celebration was held June 14, 1861, at Hartford, Connecticut, during the Civil War. As celebrations became more popular, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation recognizing Flag Day on May 30, 1916.  But it wasn’t until August 3, 1949,  that President Harry Truman signed an Act of Congress officially designating June 14 of each year as National Flag Day.

What our flag stands for
What does the American flag symbolize to you? A common response is “freedom.” But many other words are offered as well: liberty, allegiance, valor, love of country, pride, respect, and honor. 

To America’s military sons and daughters, sworn to protect our flag and our nation from enemies, the flag has special meaning. Millions know what it is like to invade foreign soil and spill their blood for the cause of freedom. Millions more have paid the supreme sacrifice. 

To see a WWII veteran stand at attention and salute, or place his hand over his heart when our flag passes by is to understand the devotion and respect they have for this revered symbol. Three veterans who reside at Lakeview Village Retirement Community in Lenexa, Kansas, were interviewed for The Veterans History Project. They later told AFA Journal what the flag symbolizes to them.  

Art Cressman, 80, Decorated pilot, 91st Bombers Unit 
“A flag with 50 stars, 13 stripes and the colors of red, white and blue is a symbol of freedom recognized around the world.  It offers freedom to voice your opinions, follow your faith and have the opportunity to achieve whatever your goals in life are without fear of repression.  It signifies pride – pride in all that it stands for:  our country, our values, our hopes for the future, for ourselves, and for our families. And when these values are threatened, it allows us the privilege to step forward to defend them. 

Gene Haynes,  85, Lieutenant, USS Alabama
“We have a sign that says “Proud to be an American.”  I am proud of the flag because it represents America, and I have a great love for America and the flag.”

Dwight E. Dussair, 88, Army Chaplain
“The Star-Spangled Banner was, and is, the symbol of the land of my birth. … Through the years I have enjoyed parades led by the American flag and hearing the music it inspires. … When World War II came along, I had just finished seminary and received my first appointment as a Methodist minister.  I didn’t like war, but the young men in the church were joining the armed forces and being drafted.

“I felt they needed spiritual guidance and support. … I served [as a chaplain] with the 25th Infantry Division.  

“The flag always symbolized the values I cherished: freedom, loyalty, courage, and sacrifice.”  undefined

A Soldier & His Flag by Lieutenant Colonel Robert Centner*
The Flag of the United States of America embodies our country’s ideal`s and moral principles and the values we cherish as citizens. As a soldier in the military, the Flag represents the Constitution of the United States that I pledge to defend and support even at the risk of death. 

The Flag is part of every ceremony that involves the initial oath of enlistment into the military, the changing of military commanders and military funerals. Old Glory is so revered that it is raised up the flagpole every morning and lowered every evening in a military ceremony 365 days a year on every military post.

The American Flag’s significance is so ingrained into the military that even the folding of it has a very special meaning. The symbolism for each fold is given below (excerpted from the Winter 1999 newsletter, Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the U.S.

First Fold: The symbol of life. 
Second Fold:   Our belief in eternal life. 
Third Fold:  Honor and remembrance of the veterans departing our ranks … 
Fourth Fold: Represents our weaker nature, … it is to [God] we turn in times of peace as well as in times of war for His divine guidance. 
Fifth Fold: A tribute to our country, … “still our country, right or wrong.”
Sixth Fold: Where our hearts lie. It is with our hearts that we “pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” 
Seventh Fold: A tribute to our Armed Forces, …[who] protect our country and our flag against all her enemies …
Eighth Fold: A tribute to the ones who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day. 
Ninth Fold: A tribute to womanhood, and Mothers … [who] mold the men and women who have made this country great … 
Tenth Fold: A tribute to the father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the defense of our country …
Eleventh Fold: … Glorifies in the Hebrews’ eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 
Twelfth Fold: … Glorifies God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 
Thirteenth Fold: Flag is completely folded, [with] the stars uppermost, reminding us of our nation’s motto, “In God We Trust.” 

I have served in the military for almost 29 years and visited many foreign countries, including two in the former Soviet Republic.  The value of freedom is no more evident than when you see firsthand the suppression of individual creativity and expression. The American flag symbolizes this freedom, and I for one routinely pledge my allegiance to defend the Constitution that I so dearly cherish.

* Lieutenant Colonel Centner, Commander 158th Corps Support Battalion, Army National Guard, is the stepson of AFA Journal staff writer Pat Centner.