The culture war rages on
Tim Wildmon
Tim Wildmon
AFA president

September 2003 – Remember when Pat Buchanan got hit over the head by the national media back in 1992 at the Republican convention in Houston for characterizing the moral struggle in America as a "culture war?"

They resented the fact that he had used the phrase "culture war" to describe what was happening in America between those who hold to traditional moral values and those who want to uproot most – if not all – vestiges of Christian influence on America.

They said Pat was scary and divisive with that kind of language. But I believe Pat was right. There was a culture war going on for the heart and soul of America and we remain engaged in that struggle today.

The most recent headlines tell us so. 

The Episcopalian Church has ordained as a bishop an openly homosexual man. 
 The federal courts ordered Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore to take down the 10 Commandments. 
 The Massachusetts Supreme Court seems set to uphold same-sex marriage which could impact all other states through the "full faith and credit" clause of the United States Constitution. 
 Liberal Democrats will not allow a vote on President Bushís court appointments because they are conservative and could potentially eat away at the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion on demand. 

These are just a few stories in the news that demonstrate what I am talking about. 

If you believe Romans I, it is clear that homosexuality is sin. Plain and simple. Just like adultery and sex before marriage are sins. Just because one holds to this view does not make him hate homosexuals, any more than it makes him hate adulterers or people who have sex outside marriage. 

The homosexual activists and gay rights sympathizers have tried over the years – with some success – to attach this label to groups like AFA who openly oppose the political and social agenda of the homosexual advocacy crowd. They pervert the words tolerance and diversity and attempt to use them against us. 

What can we do to restore a Christian value system in America? First, it seems to me, is turn things around in the Christian church in America. Consider these facts: 

 According to George Barna Research Group, Christian adults and teens think and act virtually no different than non-believers. 
 Only 10% of Americans actually possess a Biblical worldview. (Barna) 
 In 1981, 50% of students from Christian homes were denying their faith before they graduated from college. Today that statistic is 75%. (Dr. Gary Railsback Study and Dr. Norm Geisler) 
 Post-modern, post-Christian thinking is gaining ground in the church. If todayís trend continues, the church will have lost its posterity to secular humanism between 2014-2018. (Nehemiah Institute) 

Not only do we have trouble in our country, we have some serious problems in our Christian homes and churches. If we Christians lose our understanding and beliefs in the fundamentals of the faith, then we lose the country. 

Let me strongly encourage you to continue to support the work of AFA. We have been giving Christians an organized voice for Biblical righteousness in America for 26 years now. That is part of what it means to impart a Biblical worldview on the critical issues of our time. The Lord calls us to raise a standard of right and wrong for the world to see. 

Also, let me suggest you take a look at the list of Worldview Weekend conferences AFA is promoting, along with other ministries such as The Summit (David Noebel), Wallbuilders (David Barton) and Probe (Kerby Anderson). We need a renewed commitment to communicating and understanding what it means to hold a Biblical worldview in a post-modern, post-Christian America.

When Christians start making a difference on a substantive level, in prayer, thought and deed, we will see a new hope for our country. 

In short, I want to see Christians win the culture war in America – for the sake of my children and my children's children.  undefined