Will 2004 be the ‘year of the activist’?
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

February 2004 – The year 2004 may be one of the most critical years in recent memory in terms of our nation’s cultural future, said AFA Founder and Chairman Don Wildmon, and the active Christian may very well play a decisive role.

“There’s no doubt that 2004 is a cultural and political crossroads for our country, a moment in our history that may determine whether we remain a God-fearing nation,” Wildmon said. “Christians must be involved. It is the year of the activist, and those willing to stand for God’s truth have an opportunity to help turn the tide.”

Important conflicts may be coming to a head this year, he said, such as whether God remains at the center of our culture, same-sex marriage and the attempt to redefine the family, partial birth abortion, whether activist judges will continue to rule the judiciary, and even whether the f-word becomes commonplace on network television programming.

“And with a major election looming, which will determine not only the next president, but also who controls Congress, this will not be a year for the faint of heart, nor for the lazy,” Wildmon said.

AFA is doing everything possible to help Christians get involved. In addition to the AFA Journal and American Family Radio, the Internet is an increasingly effective tool. For example, more than 70,000 people regularly receive the AFA Action Alert, an E-mail notification that brings members up to date on important issues and gives them the ability to immediately contact advertisers, the White House, those in Congress and others.

“This coming year is not just about us as adults; it is about our children, our grandchildren, and the generations to come,” Wildmon said.  undefined

AFA has a number of ways that Christians can get involved in our culture. To find out more, visit AFA’s official Web site, www.afa.net, or some of the AFA sponsored Web sites listed below.

• AFA Action Alert
Simply sign up on our E-mail list and receive periodic updates on critical political and cultural issues, and instantly voice your opinion.

 OneMillionMoms.com (also OneMillionDads.com)
For men and women who are fed up with the immoral media practices that are engulfing our culture, these Web sites give you an opportunity to communicate with those responsible.