Tim Wildmon
AFA president
November-December 2005 – In contemporary America, the culture war is being waged as much in the corporate boardroom as it is in the halls of Congress. I will give you a couple of examples that we have dealt with just this last month here at AFA.
My daughter Wriley is now 17. A few years ago, before she could drive and before she was a maid on the high school homecoming court – before all that – she was a little girl. Like millions of other young girls her age, she collected dolls by American Girl, a well-known company whose dolls and books appeal to traditional families. The dolls are dressed in attire from significant times in American history, so there is an educational aspect to the dolls.
In October, I was quite surprised to to learn that American Girl has decided to help fund an organization called Girls Inc. with a $50,000 donation as well a percentage of sales from their “I Can” wristbands. Girls Inc., a group I had never heard of before this, bills itself as, “a national nonprofit youth organization dedicated to inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and bold.”
Who could be against that?
The problem is that unbeknownst to customers of American Girl, Girls Inc. also promotes a very liberal social agenda. To learn what Girls Inc. advocates, check out their Web site, www.girlsinc.org.
One area includes a subsection titled “Reproductive Freedom.” (I’m sure you know where this is going.) “Girls Incorporated supports a woman’s freedom of choice, a constitutional right established by the U. S. Supreme Court in 1973 in Roe v. Wade.”
Also on the Web site, Girls Inc. makes it clear they also support the lesbian and bisexual lifestyle.
What we have here in Girls Inc. is a junior version of the National Organization for Women. I cannot understand with all the charities in the world why American Girl (owned by Mattel) would choose this one to financially support.
On another front, we learned in November that Walgreens has made a $100,000 donation to support the 2006 Gay Games to be held in Chicago in July. If you don’t already know, the Gay Games are basically a mockery of the Olympic Games with homosexual and lesbian participants. But, their Web site says, they will mainly be there to party.
This demonstrates how much power and influence the homosexual activist groups have on corporate America when a company with the name brand of Walgreens will give such a large chunk of money to the Gay Games. How ridiculous. Think of all the legitimate charities that could have benefitted from that $100,000.
AFA encourages you to let Walgreens and American Girl know how you feel about the decisions they have made to support organizations and activities that are anti-family and pro-abortion. It may not change the decisions that have already been made, but if they hear from enough of us, it may make a difference on future decisions.
While we commonly refer to what is going on in America as a culture war, fundamentally, it is a conflict between a Biblical worldview and a secular humanist worldview.
One who holds a Biblical worldview does not promote the killing of innocent human life as abortion does. Within the secular humanist worldview (the idea that man is his own god) the unborn baby has no value. Why should it? There is no higher moral authority than the individual. The same is true with respect to human sexuality. From a Biblical perspective, the Gay Games is a public celebration of an immoral, unnatural and sinful behavior. From a secular humanist point of view, anything a person does sexually is fine as long as he does not hurt anyone else.
I have to wonder – if you do not believe in absolute moral standards – what’s the problem with hurting someone?
As we close out 2005, I thank all of you who have supported AFA with your participation in our projects, your money and your prayers this year. Those three ingredients are absolutely critical to our effectiveness.
Please join our e-mail alert campaign if you have not already. You can sign up at www.afa.net.
AFA has over two million people on board now, and we are packing a punch in the name of decency and what Jesus called righteousness. From our staff, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!