Making sense of your dollars
Randall Murphree
Randall Murphree
AFA Journal editor

Editor’s Note: This month AFA Journal begins a question-and-answer column from Christian financial advisor Dan Celia, who has been in the financial management field for more than 30 years. He and his wife Yvonne live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

April 2010 – Dan Celia counted money with the big boys on Wall Street until 28 years ago when he started his own trust company. Fourteen years later, his walk with Christ brought him to a point at which his heart led him to begin Financial Issues, a radio program now airing on Sirius Satellite radio and more than 500 radio stations, including the American Family Radio network. In 1998, he sold his company and began investing himself fully in his ministry.

“Our goal in this ministry is to help people make good financial decisions,” he said. “After all, God does own all of it – not just what we give to him.”

He told AFA Journal that his ministry differs from a number of other radio shows which offer the much-needed focus on immediate financial challenges or crises, e.g., job loss, saving strategies, getting out of debt or paying for college. Celia is more likely to talk about tax issues, investment strategies and the markets and how not to become their victim.

A sound and conservative approach to stewardship is the rudder that guides his ministry. “Stewardship means that we are responsible to the Gospel with our dollars to make sure that the Gospel is propagated,” he said. “We must be responsible and prudent with God’s money. If I can help people be comfortable with their investment strategies and their stewardship, they will be more comfortable with their giving.”

In addition to his passion for teaching personal fiscal responsibility, Celia has a passion for freedom and for the nation. His Web site defines his patriot’s heart, stating his clear advocacy for restoration of our Godly heritage, English as our official language, no negotiations with known terrorist groups, a sound Social Security system and a national definition of one-man, one-woman marriage.

“Dan’s commitment to faith and freedom makes him a perfect fit for partnering with us,” said AFA president Tim Wildmon.

“Our goal is not to be listener-supported, but to encourage listeners to give to ministries,” Celia said. “We’ve raised up a whole generation of young adults who don’t know the principles of giving. I am excited to work with AFA to turn that around.”  undefined