Cohabitation: all that glitters is not gold
Cohabitation: all that glitters is not gold
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

July-August 2015 – The American College of Pediatricians has released data that disprove some common assumptions about couples living together before marriage:

Claim 1: Cohabitation will assure stronger marriages. 
Fact: Numbers indicate that cohabitation increases the risk of divorce by 50%.

Claim 2: Cohabitation is a fiscal boon because couples pool their individual resources. 
Fact: In reality, it is a financial risk, and it lacks the financial benefits of marriage. Marriage and Religion Research Institute reveals that cohabiters increase their net worth less than all other family structures. 

Claim 3: Cohabitation is good because it lets a couple spend more time together.
Fact: ACP says it leads to increased negative communication, to men spending more time on personal leisure, and to the couple spending less time together. (, 5/1/15