Political correctness and presidential politics
Political correctness and presidential politics
Tim Wildmon
Tim Wildmon
AFA president

October 2015 – Donald Trump says: “I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct.”

I agree with him.

Political correctness is the practice of refusing to acknowledge the truth or the facts of a situation because your words may be seen as offensive to a certain group of people.

Let me offer one example of this. I was reading an interview with John Langley, creator and producer of Fox network’s longest-running series COPS. Langley said this: “I show more white people than statistically what the truth is in terms of street crime. If you look at the prisons it is 60-something percent people of color and 30 something percent white people. If you look at COPS it is 60 percent white and 40 percent other. It’s just the reverse. And I do that intentionally because I do not want to contribute to negative stereotypes.”

This is a classic example of political correctness, a concerted effort to ignore reality in the name of a greater good. But in most cases the proponents of political correctness are not so up front about their motives. I would ask Mr. Langley: “So why don’t you care that you are creating a wrong stereotype of white people?”

Besides, statistics are just cold hard facts. Facts and statistics don’t create a “stereotype.” A stereotype is produced, according to dictionary.com, when we hold a “simplified and standardized concept or image” of members of a group.

Political correctness can also silence public discourse on very important issues, and certainly it thwarts public policy discussions in that no public official wants to become embroiled in a controversy that results in being labeled a bigot, racist, xenophobe, etc.

There are a few groups that a public person can offend without getting into trouble with the politically correct police. You are safe if you stick to maligning whites, Christians and/or males. Southerners in general are also fair game, but we don’t seem to care because it’s been that way forever. And if you happen to be a southern, white, Christian, male, well then – you are the scum of the earth and need to apologize for even being born.

Another glaring example of political correctness is the way President Barack Obama and the liberal media elite absolutely refuse to acknowledge the problem within the Islamic faith – the doctrine of jihad – that has led to chaos and murderous, violent attacks against innocent people here and around the world.

What these Muslim terrorists do is take Koranic verses and historic Islamic teaching and live them out with the belief that they are pleasing Allah. These people even tell the world openly and clearly that they are intentionally committing these atrocities for the cause of advancing Islam. They are not mentally ill. They are evil.

Yet, the politically correct crowd continues to pretend they have no idea why these people do what they do. It would be like the KKK conducting a cross burning in the front yard of a black family back in the 1920s and the media reporting it like this: “We have no idea what motivates these people. Could be a lack of good jobs. Could be a fascination with white sheets. It’s a mystery.”

We have a serious situation with great numbers of illegal immigrants invading our country from Mexico, many of whom show no respect for our laws. Yet, we as a country are paralyzed from dealing with the issue of how to stop this from happening (such as building a fence) because we are afraid of being called anti-Hispanic. This is nuts. When ISIS or a group like that crosses our porous border and sets off a bomb in downtown Dallas or Houston that kills thousands of people, how will our government respond?

We have to be honest about the world as it is instead of the world as we would like it to be. Donald Trump may be abrasive in the way he says things sometimes (he would not be the first New Yorker to do this), but his candor, bluntness and disdain for political correctness are attracting a lot of supporters right now. The PC crowd really should pay attention. Mainstream America is fed up with political correctness – and the politicians who practice it.  undefined