Atheists find no comfort from Ray Comfort
Atheists find no comfort from Ray Comfort
Rebecca Davis
Rebecca Davis
AFA Journal staff writer

October 2016 – Did nothing create everything? That is one of many thought-provoking questions evangelist Ray Comfort asks various atheists in his most recent film project The Atheist Delusion. Using his typical man-on-the-street approach, Comfort confronts self-proclaimed atheists on a college campus in an effort to convince them that there is an Intelligent Designer and to introduce them to the gospel.

“The argument of Intelligent Design isn’t to convince people of the Christian message; it’s just to show the insanity of atheism,” Comfort says in The Atheist Delusion.

From common sense …
Comfort unmasks such insanity by making a common sense appeal to individuals who hold to a belief system based on senseless notions. He does so by putting a bound book full of text and photographs in the hands of an atheist and then asking, “Could this book make itself?” Meaning, could this book come into being without a bookmaker? Did the letters simply fall from the sky, collect on the page, and form words and cohesive sentences? Most atheists to whom he poses the question answer with a definitive no. Some even laugh.

Comfort responds: Then how can the complex structure of DNA that contains specified instructions for individual life come into being without an Intelligent Designer? The atheists attempt to offer explanations, but in the end, most agree that “something” has to create DNA.

Comfort uses similar logic and other common sense examples to challenge the atheists to think about what they really believe and why they believe it. He is convincing and convicting, bold and profound. By the end of the film, the majority of the atheists are second guessing themselves and examining their motives. Some even appear open to the gospel message.

To conversion
In an effort to lead his interviewees to receive the gift of salvation, Comfort focuses on creation, conscience, commandments, and conversion.

“Creation is enough for you to know God exists,” he explains. “Conscience is enough to know that [life] requires morality, and the commandments condemn you.” The next step is conversion, which includes losing one’s pride, repenting of sin, and personally accepting the work of Christ on the cross.

Yet what is most startling – and sobering – about the interviews in The Atheist Delusion is that atheists are often clueless when Comfort asks them if they know what Christ did for them.

The Atheist Delusion (one hour) will challenge, convict, and compel while stirring the thoughts and emotions of viewers. It is not a film one can watch and walk away from without giving it thought. In fact, it will likely prompt viewers to examine their own hearts and take action.  undefined 

undefinedThe Atheist Delusion is available at for $19.99. This includes an MP4 download of the film, an MP3 download of “God Doesn’t Believe in Atheists,” and a 134-page PDF ebook titled Jaws Without Teeth. Purchasing the downloadable bundle now allows one to watch The Atheist Delusion in advance of its DVD and YouTube releases and gives viewers the opportunity to help with publicity and distribution of the film, both of which are key to the success of Christian films.

Comfort and his ministry team at Living Waters encourage viewers to share The Atheist Delusion on social media, purchase low-cost copies of the film (when they become available) to pass out to others, and post and email the film’s trailer. Additional information and instructions on how to host a movie theater premiere are available at

Use The Atheist Delusion to help reach a dying world with the message of the gospel and equip believers to challenge modern atheism.