Ben Watson on importance of men in abortion fight
Ben Watson on importance of men in abortion fight
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

July 2019 – In response to New York’s passage of a law in January that effectively legalized abortion up until the moment of birth, Colorado based Focus on the Family organized and hosted “Alive from New York” at Times Square.

The May 4 event featured a sonogram of a third trimester baby, as well as a host of guest speakers. Among them was retired pro football star Benjamin Watson, who used his time to discuss the role men play in the fight against abortion. Watson called on men to quit avoiding the topic, but rather “to step up and to step into these conversations with boldness and with grace and with conviction.” Watson believes the voice of pro-life men is greatly needed in the public sphere, and he affirms that fatherhood begins
the womb.

“There are millions of preborn children and courageous, precious mothers that are depending on us men to be men,” said Watson. “So let’s do it.”, 5/5/19