AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs
October 1994 – Bristol-Myers Squibb is the only company named on last fall’s list which appeared on the AFA’s “Dirty Dozen” spring 1994 list of top sponsors of TV sex, violence and profanity.
Ralston Purina and Mazda have both appeared on the list in earlier years and both previously indicated they would clean up their act.
A total of 86% of all sex presented on prime-time programming on ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox is depicted outside marriage.
Addresses and products of the Dirty Dozen are listed below.
1. Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc., Chrm. August A. Busch III, One Busch Place, St. Louis, MO 63118, Phone 314-577-2000, FAX 314-577-2900. PRODUCTS: Break Cake snack cakes, Budweiser beer, Colonial bread, Eagle snack products, Michelob beer. Sample programs: House Party 2; Thelma & Louise; The Stand-Part 4; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Melrose Place (5/18/94); Martin (5/12/94).
2. Slimfast Foods Company, Chrm. S. Daniel Abraham, P.O. Box 5047, FDR Station, New York, NY 10150, Phone 212-688-4420, FAX 212-415-7171. PRODUCTS: Slimfast diet aids. Sample programs: Cape Fear; Getting Gotti; The Stand-Part 4; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; NYPD Blue (5/3/94).
3. American Home Products Corp., Chrm. John R. Stafford, 685 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, Phone 212-878-5000. PRODUCTS: Advil pain reliever, Anacin pain medication, Chap Stick, Chef Boyardee food products, Compound W wart remover, Crunch ‘N’ Munch snacks, Denorex dandruff shampoo, Dimetapp sinus medication, Donnagel, Dristan Cold, Jiffy-Pop popcorn, Pam cooking spray, Preparation H hemorrhoid medication, Robitussin cough medicine and cough drops, Sleep-Eze medication, SMA infant formula. Sample programs: Robin Hood; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Naked Gun; Menendez: Movie; City Slickers.
4. Upjohn Company, Chrm. John L. Zabriskie, 7000 Portage Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49001, Phone 616-323-4000, FAX 616-323-7034, TOLL FREE: 1-800-253-8600. PRODUCTS: Cortaid, Dramamine, Haltran analgesic, Kaopectate medicine, Motrin pain medication, Rogaine, Unicap vitamins, Upjohn pharmaceuticals. Sample programs: Robin Hood; Walker, Texas Ranger (5/14/94); Naked Gun; Backdraft; City Slickers.
5. Visa USA, Pres. Carl Pascarella, P. O. Box 8999, San Francisco, CA 94128, Phone 415-570-3200, FAX 415-378-8100. PRODUCTS: VISA credit card, debit card, travelers cheques. Sample programs: Robin Hood; Walker, Texas Ranger (5/14/94); City Slickers; Days of Thunder.
6. Shaw Industries, Inc., Chrm. Julius C. Shaw, P. O. Drawer 2128, Dalton, GA 30722, Phone 706-278-3812. PRODUCTS: Trustmark carpet. Sample programs: Cape Fear; Thelma & Louise; The Stand-Part 1; Walker, Texas Ranger (5/14/94); Backdraft.
7. Cotter & Company, Chrm. Jerrald T. Kabelin, 2740 N. Clybourne Ave., Chicago, IL 60614, Phone 312-975-2700, FAX 312-975-1712. PRODUCTS: True-Value stores, V & S Variety stores. Sample programs: Robin Hood; The Stand-Part 1; Getting Gotti; The Stand-Part 4; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Days of Thunder.
8. Ralston Purina Company, Chrm. William P. Stiritz, Checkerboard Square, St. Louis, MO 63164, Phone 314-982-1000, FAX 314-982-1211, TOLL FREE: 1-800-345-5678. PRODUCTS: Alley Cat cat food, Almond Delight cereal, Butcher’s Blend dog food, Chex cereal, Chex Snack Mix, Chuck Wagon pet food, Energizer batteries, Eveready batteries, Hostess snack foods, Kibbles & Chunks dog food, Meow Mix cat food, Muesli cereal, Puppy Chow dog food, Purina pet food, Tender Vittles cat food, Wonder Bread. Sample programs: Robin Hood; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Naked Gun; The Simpsons (5/19/94); Menendez: Movie; City Slickers.
9. Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust, Pres. Frederick DeLuca, 325 Bic Drive, Milford, CT 06460, Phone 203-877-4281, FAX 203-876-6687, TOLL FREE: 1-800-888-4848. PRODUCTS: Subway Sandwich Shops. Sample programs: House Party 2; The Stand-Part 1; Revenge of the Nerds IV; The Stand-Part 3.
10. Mazda Motor of America, Inc., Pres. Kazuo Sonoguchi, 7755 Irvine Center Dr., Irvine, CA 92718, Phone 714-727-1990, FAX 714-727-6101. PRODUCTS: Mazda automobiles. Sample programs: Robin Hood; Thelma & Louise; The Stand-Part 1; Getting Gotti.
11. MCI Communications Corporation, Chrm. Bert C. Roberts Jr., 1801 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20006, Phone 202-872-1600, FAX 202-887-2195. PRODUCTS: Friends and Family phone program, MCI telecommunications, 1-800-COLLECT. Sample programs: Cape Fear; Robin Hood; Getting Gotti; Terminator 2: Judgment Day; Backdraft; Roseanne (5/10/94); Melrose Place (5/11/94).
12. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Chrm. Richard L. Gelb, 345 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10154, Phone 212-546-4000, TOLL FREE: 1-800-468-7746. PRODUCTS: Ban antiperspirant, Bufferin pain medication, Clairol hair products, Comtrex cold medicine, Datril pain medication, Excedrin pain medication, Final Net hair spray, Infusium-23 hair care products, Keri lotion, Loving Care hair care, Nice ‘n Easy shampoo, Nuprin pain reliever, Sea Breeze cream, Tempra pain medicine, Ultresse hair coloring, Vitalis toiletries. Sample programs: Robin Hood; Thelma & Louise; Getting Gotti; City Slickers; Melrose Place (5/4/94 & 5/11/94).
These companies may preview the programs in advance and approved them for sponsorship. Should you contact these companies, they will respond with a letter saying they have exceptionally high TV sponsorship standards. Such response is a deception intended to confuse the consumer. Without the approval and financial support of the companies which sponsor the sex, violence and profanity, the programs could not exist.
In many cases these companies helped sponsor offensive programs after other companies, concerned about the negative effect TV is having on our society, withdrew their sponsorship. These companies were thus able to buy sponsorship at a greatly reduced rate (the trade term is distressed merchandise) because they did not care about the content of the program, only the price.
If you are concerned about the filth on TV and the effect it is having on our children and families, contact the sponsors. They are responsible for providing it.