Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder
October 1994 – Ten years ago I wrote the following editorial for the AFA Journal. Looking over my files I decided that it was time to reprint it.
There is a great spiritual war being waged today. An intentional effort is being made to change the very foundation on which Western civilization is built, to replace the Judeo-Christian concept of man with a secular and humanistic concept.
For the past several years I have racked my brain day after day trying to find some way to get that message across to the Christian community. This is the most frustrating part of our ministry. To get people to listen, to study, to become educated, to open their eyes, to address the problem.
The rank and file Christian leader, and even more so the rank and file Christian, has no concept that we are engaged in a spiritual war. In our denominations, the task of running the denomination and local church is all-consuming. To mention a spiritual war falls on deaf ears. We have a building to build, a budget to raise, a program to continue, an image to protect.
If, five years ago, someone had confronted me with the situation from the perspective I now have, I would have turned my back on him, ignored him as being a fanatic or extremist, and gone about my job of running the local church or doing my denominational duty. That is the frustrating part. I know why it is so difficult to reach the rank and file Christian leader, and, try as I may, I cannot do it very successfully.
All the while the clock keeps ticking, time keeps running out. Within a few short years, without the active involvement of Christian leaders, our society will be so saturated with this secular religious mindset that the chances of preventing it from becoming the foundation of our society will be nil.
Ignorance and apathy are currently our two deadly sins. Literally.
The Christian community is losing this spiritual war. Losing by default. Losing without ever firing a shot. Losing without ever knowing that a war is going on.
What we are up against is not dirty words and dirty pictures. It is a philosophy of life which seeks to remove the influence of Christians and Christianity from our society.
Unless the Christian community becomes educated and involved quickly, involvement a few years down the road will be meaningless. We will have already lost the war.
Pessimistic? No, realistic.
Weep for our children and grandchildren if we fail.
October, 1984
Back to the present
Not much has changed in ten years. Christians are mostly still protecting the building, confining their activities to the structure. Outside is a decaying and hurting world. We have the troops to win the war. But we are still unwilling to lead them into battle.
I guess that two things are different. Morally, things are much worse than they were and we are much closer to losing than we were ten years ago.
So I appeal once again to the Christian leaders and to their followers – indeed to all concerned individuals – to get involved. There is still time to preserve our heritage for those who come after us. But conditions in our society won’t improve until we do.