The building called America
Don Wildmon
Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder

Aletheia, a New Testament Greek word meaning “truth,” is the name of a new student-led national high school Christian club promoted by American Family Association. The following article was taken from a book by Dr. Donald E. Wildmon, president of AFA. It is often used in Aletheia groups.

January 1995 – Once upon a time a group of people decided to build a new building. It would be an unusual building, the likes of which the world had never seen. They would call their beautiful, new structure America.

The builders knew the foundation must be exceptionally strong. The design called for three mighty pillars: faith, family and freedom. Each would undergird equally the weight of the building called America.

So construction began on the building called America. The workers labored faithfully to insure that the three pillars of faith, family and freedom were strong enough to withstand wind, rain and attacks of the enemy. For many the task consumed their whole life. However, their children, catching their fathers’ dream, continued to work on the building and to insure the strength of the three supporting pillars.

Generations passed, but each did its part to maintain the glorious building which had become the most treasured and admired structure in all the world. They gave of themselves freely. Some even sacrificed their very lives and fortunes to preserve its integrity. And they always made sure that the supporting pillars of faith, family, and freedom were sound. They never forgot that the existence of the entire building rested upon the strength of the three pillars.

Years later some began to question the need to maintain all three pillars. They thought only two were necessary. So they began to ignore the pillar of faith. Due to neglect, the pillar of faith fell into disrepair and became weak. The weight of the building called America shifted to the two remaining pillars, family and freedom.

Everyone noticed that the foundation underneath the building called America was sagging. They blamed many things, but seldom gave serious consideration to the deteriorating pillar of faith.

Before long, because of the weakening of the pillar of faith, the pillar of family began to fail. Then the pillar of freedom began to crumble under the load.

Some people saw what was happening to the building and tried to restore the pillar of faith. Others scoffed at them, calling them old-fashioned and traditional.

Many tried to prop up the building called America using a variety of techniques. But few were interested in strengthening the pillar of faith.

One day, to the surprise and sadness of the world, the building called America collapsed. A voice trapped beneath the crumbling structure was heard to cry out: “No building like America can ever stand except on the three equal pillars of faith, family, and freedom.”

And with that the once magnificent building called America perished and disappeared into the rubble of history.

Is this a true story? Let’s hope not.  undefined