You have a right to know
Don Wildmon
Don Wildmon
AFA/AFR founder

To our readers: The material below is graphic only to indicate the seriousness of the problem. I suggest that you keep it out of reach of children. I apologize for its graphic nature. We publish it only to show you, our readers, what is happening in some of our nation’s public schools without the knowledge or approval of parents. 

June 2005 – As I write this the Montgomery County (Maryland) Public Schools, in the suburbs of our nation’s capitol, are set to begin teaching a new sex-ed curriculum in six of their schools in grades 8-10. We shouldn’t be shocked at what will be taught to the students. 

According to the Liberty Counsel Alert, here is a sample of what will be taught to these young impressionable students: 

FACT: Most experts in the field have concluded that sexual orientation is not a choice. 
 FACT: Sex play with friends of the same gender is not uncommon during early adolescence and does not prove long-term sexual orientation. 
 FACT: It is no more abnormal or sick to be homosexual than to be left-handed. 
 FACT: Many religious denominations do not believe that "loving people of the same sex is immoral." 
 FACT: Heterosexual parents are consistently not found to be more loving or caring than gay parents. 
 FACT: Religion has often been misused to justify hatred and oppression. 
 FACT: One’s sexual and emotional orientations are fixed at an early age — certainly by age five. 
 FACT: Human sexuality is a continuum. 
 FACT: Many homophobic responses are born out of fear that one’s own sexual orientation may not be entirely heterosexual. 
 FACT: It is natural to be gay, lesbian, bisexual and/or transgendered (GLBT). 
 FACT: Abstinence until marriage is detrimental to GLBT youth. 

The curriculum refers to "fundamentalists" and "evangelicals," stating these people may think they can overcome same-sex attraction, and thus the program encourages referral of these students to "sensitive clergy" [i.e., non-evangelicals] to "reconcile their religious beliefs." 

The curriculum never refers to husband and wife. Family is defined as "two or more people who are joined together by emotional feelings or who are related to one another." 

One video features a high school girl illustrating condom usage with a cucumber, stating that condoms should be used for "any oral, anal or vaginal sex." 

Montgomery County School Board Chairman David Fishback stated that reorientation therapy is "dangerous" and results in "extremely bad outcomes," and that any discussion that homosexual preferences may change would "be destructive." 

This is what will be taught in Montgomery County Schools. Do you know what is being taught in your schools? 

You might be surprised, but you have every right to know.  undefined