Too many sacrifices, too great a God to give up on America
Tim Wildmon
Tim Wildmon
AFA president

January 2013 – In light of the November elections, many of our supporters have asked two questions: 1) What does the election mean for Christians? 2) Where do we go from here?

First of all, let me review some facts that were not reported. You already know that homosexual marriage was voted on in four states, and in all four states, homosexual marriage won.

However, the margins of victory were not that large, even in such liberal states as these, where practicing Christians are in the vast minority. In fact, in all four states, those voting for natural marriage outnumbered those voting for Gov. Mitt Romney. In Maryland, natural marriage received 48% of the vote, Romney only 37%. In Maine, natural marriage got 47% while Romney polled 41%. In Minnesota, marriage received 48%, Romney 45%; and in the state of Washington, where almost everyone is liberal, natural marriage received 48% and Romney just 42%. Heretofore, homosexual marriage had lost 32 out of 32 times when put before voters in various states.

What this proves is those pundits who tell Republican candidates to stay away from this issue because it is a “loser” politically have been proven wrong. In fact, one might argue, had Romney promoted his stance for traditional marriage and contrasted it with President Obama’s newly adopted stand in favor of gay marriage, it could have very well helped him. But the Romney campaign chose not to mention the issue at all.

In any event, like so many issues of our time, this matter will be decided by the U. S. Supreme Court when the California Proposition 8 case reaches Washington, D.C. The nine justices will decide if states have the right to define marriage or not.

Another observation about the presidential election is that in every state where there was a large percentage of Christians, the state voted red or chose the more conservative candidate. In the states where practicing Christians are in the minority, the vote for president was blue or the more liberal candidate was selected. I’m proud of the Christians who have taken seriously their responsibility to cast informed votes in local, state and national races. As Yogi Berra says, “You win some, you lose some, and some are rained out.”

Elections do have consequences. Today the Supreme Court has four conservatives, four liberals and one moderate. It would be a tragedy if President Obama is allowed to replace a conservative or even the moderate (Anthony Kennedy) with another extreme liberal, ACLU type, which he will try to do. This will be worth watching and praying about. Our side needs the four conservatives and Kennedy to remain healthy and able to remain on the court.

Politics and government are a reflection of who we are as a people collectively. Spiritual darkness has fallen on our land. We desperately need a large scale Christian revival to change the hearts of our fellow Americans who have fallen prey to (or deliberately chosen) secular humanism, which is at complete odds with the Judeo-Christian value system upon which America was founded and which has served our country so well for so long.

But we, God’s people who love our country, must not give up! Ever! Even when we lose political races and we get depressed, we must not quit fighting for goodness; championing righteousness, including life, marriage and family; and defending freedom, the Constitution and the free enterprise system. Too many people – from our Founding Fathers to today’s conservative leaders – have sacrificed too much for us to give up. Besides, we serve a great and mighty God who can do miracles! We have had a First Great Awakening and a Second Great Awakening. We can have a Third Great Awakening!

Like you, I am troubled for our country, but as a believer in Jesus Christ, I am not in despair. Pray. Work. Love. Educate. Encourage. Stand. Witness. Share. Proclaim. Vote.  undefined