Target AFA’s only current boycott
Target AFA’s only current boycott
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

February 2017 – A faithful AFA supporter emailed AFA Journal a few weeks ago to inquire about AFA boycotts. “It’s difficult to keep up with the ongoing boycotts,” he wrote. He went on to inquire specifically about Target, Home Depot, and JC Penney’s.

AFA once launched an Action Alert addressing Penney’s same-sex couples featured in some of their ad campaigns, but never called for outright boycott, and the offensive commercials disappeared after a couple of seasons.

“We had a boycott of Home Depot,” said Randy Sharp, spokesman for AFA Action Alerts. “But we did announce that we had suspended it some time ago.”

“Unfortunately, such announcements may not always get the attention they deserve,” said AFAJ editor Randall Murphree. “We’ll try to do a better job in the future.”

The Target boycott continues as AFA’s only active boycott, fueled by consumers’ concerns that Target has opened its women’s bathrooms to any man who wishes to use them.

“That policy subjects women and little girls to embarrassment, discomfort, fear, or worse – assault,” Sharp said.