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May 2018 – Evangelical Americans (86%) agree on the importance of sharing the gospel with Jewish people, but they are less decided about the role the Jewish people play in God’s plan and the end times.
According to a LifeWay Research survey released February 28, 55% believe the Bible teaches that most Jewish people will one day accept Christ, and 47% believe Jesus will not return until the Jewish people have accepted Him as Savior.
Younger evangelicals between the ages of 18 and 34 are most likely (34%) to accept the claim of replacement theology that the Christian church has superseded the nation of Israel in God’s plan. Twenty-three percent of those older than 65 agree with that belief.
“Many evangelicals believe the gospel will be spread to all people in the world before Jesus returns,” LifeWay Research executive director Scott McConnell said. “But they aren’t sure if the Jewish people have a special place in God’s plan anymore.”, 2/28/18;, 2/28/18