Christian music artist overcomes pornography addiction
Christian music artist overcomes pornography addiction
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

March 2020Cory Asbury, well-known for his song “Reckless Love,” explains that without God’s love he would not have been able to overcome pornography. At age 12 Asbury was first exposed to pornography. He was addicted by the time he was in his 20s and serving as a worship leader. He kept it hidden because he “couldn’t bear the thought of anyone knowing” his dark secret.

While struggling with pornography amid his marriage and ministry, the guilt led Asbury to a cycle of unhealthy self-hatred and condemnation.

“In my mind, once I’d paid sufficient penance,” he explained, “and abstained from sin for long enough, my anointing would return, and I’d feel ‘good’ again.”

It wasn’t until Asbury reheard the story of King David’s adultery that he sought and found God’s forgiveness. Asbury said, “While pornography wasn’t as rampant in David’s day the way it is in ours, the root problem, lust, still caused him to stumble into sexual sin.”

Asbury concluded, “God isn’t after sacrifice or offering, but a broken and contrite heart.”, 11/21/19