Sadie Robertson reaches Passion Conference attendees
Sadie Robertson reaches Passion Conference attendees
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

March 2020Duck Dynasty’s 22-year-old Sadie Robertson (photo above) spoke at the Passion 2020 conference in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 1. In preparation, she asked her 3.6 million Instagram followers, “What are you seeking in life?”

The top responses were love, happiness, purpose, and peace.

“I don’t know if you noticed,” she said to thousands of 18-25-year-olds, “but you can waste a lot of time searching … scrolling … looking … following … liking … not realizing you’re not finding anything you’re really looking for.”

She explained that seven countries removed the “like” button from Instagram because it is highly believed to lead to “a direct effect on mental illness – to cause depression, to lead to anxiety, to cause people to feel lonely and left out … to cause comparison and eating disorders.”

“But if you would pick up this book,” she said as she held up the Bible, “I would say you are literally on fire! There’s a promise in this Word. It says seek and you will find!

“The top three fruit of the spirit are love, joy, and peace!” Robertson added. “It’s who He is. And you’re seeking for purpose, what better place to find it than [the Bible]?”, 1/6/20 (Search for “Passionconferences 2020
Sadie Robertson”)