Rebecca G. Davis
AFA Journal associate editor
Above, Monica Cole with her late husband Keith and their son Michael at a dinner the night before Keith’s 2018 Mississippi Highway Patrol Graduation.
December 2020 – Monica Cole is unassuming but passionate, gentle yet bold, polite yet purposeful. She leads with class and conviction. She came to faith as a child and went on to graduate with a business degree. She spent almost a decade working in corporate America where the Lord began cultivating her heart for ministry. She worked for her church just prior to being hired by AFA founder Don Wildmon in 2009 to lead One Million Moms, an activist division of American Family Association. Eleven years later, Monica reflects on her work and ministry here at AFA.
AFA Journal: Describe your role as director of One Million Moms.
Monica Cole: I am a media watchdog. The mission of One Million Moms is to hold Hollywood and companies and networks in the entertainment and advertising industries accountable for inappropriate content that exploits children. Our group also stands up for biblical values such as pro-life and traditional marriage issues. We give moms the resources to speak out and let their voices be heard with our online action alerts and petitions.
AFAJ: Why is leading One Million Moms so close to your heart?
MC: As a mother myself, this is extremely important to me. Making an eternal difference for the kingdom has always been a passion of mine.
AFAJ: You deal with a lot of heavy issues, controversial topics, and backlash. How do you press on?
MC: I keep in mind why I do what I do and what is really important, which is helping the kingdom by protecting children. Staying in the Scriptures and close to the Lord in prayer is where I find my strength.
The opposition just comes with the territory of standing up for what you believe in. I believe we must be doing something right, or they wouldn’t be fighting back so hard.
AFAJ: Has One Million Moms made a difference?
MC: One Million Moms has made a tremendous difference in our culture with too many victories to list. It just goes to show that when you speak out for what is right and what you believe in, you can make an impact.
We do not win every battle when we fight the good fight, but that doesn’t mean we give up. We will continue to be faithful in what God has commanded us to do until He returns and leave the rest up to God. We know Who wins in the end.
AFAJ: How has your life changed since coming to AFA?
MC: I lost my husband to stomach and esophageal cancer this year after a long two-year battle. My AFA family was there supporting us every step of the way: immediately after the diagnosis, during the tremendous fight for his life, throughout my time as his caregiver, and both before and after my husband’s passing. AFA lifted up my family in prayer more times than I can count.
Midway through my husband’s fight, a co-worker encouraged us to read and pray Psalm 91 every day; this became the daily routine for all three of us. Our son and I are now at peace knowing he is in glory. Because of what others did for me, I now try to mentor and be supportive of wives in similar situations.
AFAJ: What encouragement do you have to offer others?
MC: Keep fighting for what you believe in, and continue making an eternal difference when and where you can. Even when life doesn’t make sense, trust God knowing He has a plan for you and will work all things for your good and His Glory. There is always hope in Jesus.