Online registry helps pregnant women in desperate need
Online registry helps pregnant women in desperate need
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

January-February 2020Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director whose story was portrayed in the movie Unplanned, has founded a pro-life initiative called Loveline (, a crisis call line and registry for mothers facing an unplanned pregnancy and needing immediate assistance with rent, groceries, clothing, and other necessities.

“While the pro-life movement is vast in its efforts to make abortion unthinkable,” explained Johnson, “blind spots exist where segments of the population are underserved or not served at all.”

Johnson says she is amazed at the generosity of perfect strangers who give of their time and resources to help others in crisis.

Kristina Hernandez Media Consulting press release, 10/16/19;, 10/16/19