Ministry reaches two billion
Ministry reaches two billion
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

July 2020In May, Global Media Outreach (GMO) reached its two-billionth person with the gospel message. Founded in 2004, the Texas-based ministry uses the Internet to present the Word of God to an average of 350,000 people per day, with over 223 million decisions made for Christ so far.

“In the early days of the World Wide Web,” said GMO founder Walt Wilson, “these questions came to me: What if we could put God’s Word on the Internet? What if we could meet people at their point of need? What if we could bring them to Calvary’s cross and then disciple them?”

Having reached one-fourth of the world’s population, GMO continues to employ emerging, cutting-edge technology via dozens of languages to reach billions of people around the world., 3/12/20; 130 Agency press release, 5/5/20