SCOTUS decisions favor religious employers
SCOTUS decisions favor religious employers
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

September 2020In early July, “the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that faith-based schools have a First Amendment Free Exercise right to make employment decisions regarding religious teachers without government interference,” according to Liberty Counsel.

The Court stated the reason most private religious schools exist is for the “religious education and formation of students.” Therefore, it only makes sense for such institutions to select educators who comply with their purpose.

Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said “This decision continues to confirm the historical and constitutional protections afforded to religious employers.”

On the same day, Liberty Counsel reported that the Court also “ruled 7-2 in favor of the Trump administration’s exemption of religious employers from the Affordable Care Act (ACA or known as ObamaCare) requirement to provide insurance coverage for contraception and other abortion-inducing devices in their health insurance plans.”

Staver added: “Thanks to the Trump administration for recognizing the need to protect religious employers from mandates that conflict with religious and moral beliefs about sanctity of human life.

“Today is a great victory for religious employers.”, 7/8/20;, 7/8/20, 7/9/20