Preemie baby survives
Preemie baby survives
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

December 2021On June 9, 2020, Kwek Yu Xuan was born at Singapore National University Hospital (SNUH). After her mother struggled with preeclampsia, Xuan was born at 24 weeks and 6 days gestation, weighing only 212 grams, less than a half-pound.

Xuan was smaller than the last recorded surviving baby on “Tiniest Babies Registry” and was the same weight as an apple. Thankfully, after 13 months in the NICU, she was released from the hospital. During her stay at SNUH, hospital costs rose to $200,000. Through Give Asia, a crowdfunding campaign, individuals contributed to help pay Xuan’s bills. With excess money, Xuan’s parents pledged to donate to other Give Asia campaigns. (See here for a feature story on Christian crowdfunding.), 8/20/21