Christian men deep in porn, adultery
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December 2014 – A survey of 1,000 men conducted by Proven Men Ministries and Barna Group found a startling percentage of Christian men view porn frequently. The research found that 77% of Christian men between the ages of 18 and 30 view porn monthly and 36% view it daily, with 32% admitting addiction. Of men ages 31-49, 64% say they look at porn at least once a month, and 18% say they are addicted. 

While those numbers include those who self-identified as “Christians,” results were similar among those who self-identified as  “born-again Christians.” In this group, 54% say they view porn monthly, 25% say they hide their Internet browsing history, and 18% say they are addicted to porn. 

Furthermore, the survey found that nearly a third of these Christians say they had an extramarital affair, showing little difference from mainstream America where 35% of men and 17% of women cheat on their spouses., 10/9/14