Trafficking victim now rescuing others
Trafficking victim now rescuing others
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

September 2016 – As a child, Lynn Caffery was sold into sex trafficking. As a teenager, she ran away from home and wound up in jail, where a tough-love jailer challenged her in a way that caused her to return to school and turn her life around.

Today, she is executive director of Tennessee Valley Family Services, a nonprofit group which assists runaways, homeless youth, and trafficking victims.

“Most of my life, I was abused and longed for that magic number I could call, and help would be there for me,” she says. “I can now do that for other folks.” Caffery says she’ll answer her cell phone – 256-426-0770 – or return a call ASAP.

Preparing for this life of serving others, Caffery earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in criminal justice and public administration/nonprofit management. The Huntsville, Alabama, family services group is open to applicants ages 16-22 both in the region and outside the immediate area. More information is available on TVFS’s Facebook page.