Indiana teacher violates Constitution
Indiana teacher violates Constitution
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

November 2017 – A first grade public school teacher in McCordsville, Indiana, recently wrote a letter (below) to parents of several of her students who had used words such as Jesus, God, and devil in class discussions. The second-year teacher had previously instructed the first graders not to use those words.

The teacher wrote parents that, since other religions were represented in her class, she felt parents should teach their children such language was inappropriate.

After garnering national attention, the teacher’s statement was retracted, and she apologized. Dr. Shane Robbins, school district superintendent, also issued an apology for unintentional violation of the students’ First Amendment rights.

From the teacher’s letter to parents:
“I have had a group of about 5 students using the words God, Jesus, and devil in conversation. The first time I had a talk about it with them, unfortunately on a different day, the conversation came up again. With McCordsville Elementary being a public school, we have many different religions and beliefs, and I do not want to upset a child/parent because of these words being used. If you go to church or discuss these things at home, please have a talk with your children about there being an appropriate time and place of talking about it.”, 9/5/17;, 8/25/17;, 8/24/17