Some questions don’t go away
Some questions don’t go away
Tim Wildmon
Tim Wildmon
AFA president

November 2017 – One of the most frequently asked questions in the history of the world is this: Why does God allow human suffering?

For people who do not believe in God, there is no reason to ask that question. Now for some who say they do not believe in God, they like to use this question to poke at people who do believe in God. These people aren’t really interested in having a serious conversation about God. They just enjoy mocking Christians.

But I thought about this question again watching the human misery that has unfolded on such a grand scale in Texas, across the Gulf Coast, through Florida, and more over recent weeks. The Bible clearly teaches that God created the earth and the heavens, and He is sovereign over the universe. Jesus did miracles to demonstrate that He had authority even over nature.

The Bible also clearly teaches that God loves people. So why then does God sometimes allow horrific things to happen to people He loves? Volumes have been written about this topic over the ages, but I only have this one page. However, I will give it my best shot anyway.

First of all, in the case of natural disasters, God created the earth and set the laws of nature (such as weather patterns) in motion, and He does not stop those laws from having their impact, good or bad, on humanity. If you get a storm in late summer that sits out over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico for a few days, you are likely to have a hurricane develop. That is nature taking its course.

If God does “stop” nature from taking its course, it would be considered a miracle. And miracles of that magnitude, while they have happened as recorded in the Bible and been experienced by individuals down through history, are still rare by definition. To use a weak sports analogy, the Alabama Crimson Tide football team may lose to a team with inferior players, but it’s so rare an occurrence that I can’t remember the last time it happened. But rest assured that the team that did beat Alabama with much less talent will forever remember that game as “a miracle.”

The Bible doesn’t say that Jesus calmed the waters on the Sea of Galilee every day. The Bible doesn’t say that Jesus healed everyone all the time. All those people Jesus healed eventually died. And death is a part of nature as well. Nothing on earth lasts forever.

If God prevented sickness, disease, war, famine, hurricanes, and other matters that cause people to suffer – then we would be in heaven. And the Bible does describe a real place called heaven (a place without suffering) that all who trust in Jesus Christ will go to when they die. But we have to make a free-will choice to surrender our lives to Him here on earth in order to reap that eternal reward. Not everyone goes to heaven, according to the Bible.

With respect to human suffering, so much of it is caused by our own decisions or the decisions of others that have a direct impact on us. Again, God allows these decisions to have cause-and-effect consequences most all the time. Otherwise, we would all be robots. My cousin’s wife was killed by a person who decided to get behind the wheel drunk. So the whole family suffered because of the actions of someone they didn’t even know.

In Christian theology we live in what is called a “fallen world.” Or a world in spiritual darkness, if you will. We are all infected with a sin nature that causes bad things to happen in our lives and in the world around us. We see this every day. Jesus Christ came to redeem the world from this darkness. Jesus said it this way in John 16:33: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  undefined