Conservative control irrelevant if …
Conservative control irrelevant if …
Anne Reed
Anne Reed
AFA Journal staff writer

November 2018 – “Republicans being in control of Congress is irrelevant if conservative policies that don’t reflect the first principles of this country aren’t the guiding lights for our leadership,” said Ken Cuccinelli. (photo above)

Former Virginia state senator and attorney general (R), Cuccinelli is president of the Senate Conservatives Fund, a national grassroots organization seeking to bring bold conservative leadership to Washington. SCF supports candidates who will fight for the timeless conservative principles of limited government, strong national defense, and traditional family values.

What are the most pressing issues affecting America today, and what qualities make a candidate worthy of the office and the vote? To answer those questions, American Family Studios partnered with Cuccinelli to produce Choosing Good Leaders for Tough Times, a two-session DVD project.

In the first session, “Essential Qualities for Civic Leaders,” Cuccinelli addresses the lack of work ethic and inadequate supply of committed conservative leadership in Congress. He also identifies 12 key marks to look for in a leader. Among them are vision, commitment to principle, consistency, boldness, authenticity, and integrity.

The book of Proverbs gives a glimpse into such qualities of uprightness:

▶ Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law (29:18).
▶ He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice, And He preserves the way of His godly ones (2:7-8).
▶ Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established (16:3).

The Republican Party platform reflects hope for upholding the sanctity of human life, constitutionally principled judges, religious liberty, morality, marriage, school and health care choice, and more. But, candidates must adhere to the platform initiatives and be willing to fight for them against all odds.

A Rasmussen survey conducted July 15-16, showed that 78% of voters believe Congress puts more stock in media approval than in voter satisfaction. What a disconcerting prospect when one considers the biased liberal position of the mainstream media.

In session two, “Five Critical Issues Facing America,” Cuccinelli presents pressing national concerns to be remedied by truly conservative members of Congress. Considering the contrasts between the two platforms, a Democratic majority would almost certainly contribute to the volatility of each situation:

▶ Leadership lacking conservative values.
▶ Delay in Senate approval of conservative judges.
▶ National debt/budgetary issues.
▶ Immigration.
▶ Entitlements.

A Pew Research Center poll conducted July 30-August 12, 2018, among 4,581 adults (4,000 registered voters) revealed both Republicans and Democrats recognize the gravity of this mid-term election. But Democrats appear to be taking it a bit more seriously.

Among registered voters favoring the Democratic candidate in their House district, 22% say they have attended a political event, compared with only 8% who support the Republican candidate. Particularly among voters younger than 35, a strong partisan gap exists with nearly seven in ten Democratic voters (69%) saying it really matters which party wins control of Congress, compared with less than half of their Republican counterparts (44%).

Conservative voters must extract commitments from and vote for candidates who will correct national failures and carry forward a strong conservative agenda.

“If we were to address those five issues,” said Cuccinelli, “…we’d be on track for another 250 years as the greatest country on earth. And I hope we get there.”  undefined 

undefinedChoosing Good Leaders for Tough Times DVD set is available at, or
▶ See party platforms here.
▶ Use the iVoter Guide at to check out your state’s general election candidates. 

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