Addressing porn addictions within the church
Addressing porn addictions within the church
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

June 2020In an interview with Christian Post, addiction recovery expert Mark Denison stated, “62% of evangelical men view porn, compared to 64% of the general population.” After becoming burdened with these statistics, Denison offered suggestions to help pastors address this rampant issue growing in the church. However, before anything can be done, Denison said they must first “recognize the magnitude of the problem.”

To create a culture of redemption where churchgoers know they are in a safe place to discuss their battle with pornography, Denison suggests the following:

1. Appoint an addiction ministry leader who is trained to deal with addiction.
2. Have separate men’s and women’s small groups devoted to the topic.
3. Host a 12-step group., 3/26/20