Many see God’s sovereignty in COVID-19
Many see God’s sovereignty in COVID-19
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

June 2020In a survey conducted March 23-26 by McLaughlin and Associates (MA), likely voters were asked: “Do you see the global coronavirus pandemic and economic meltdown” as “signs of coming judgment” or “a wake-up call for us to turn back to faith in God?

A total of 44% picked one or both. (22% both, 17% wake-up call, 5% sign of coming judgment.)The survey specifically asked unbelievers if the global pandemic caused them to “have more interest in God and spiritual matters” and got these responses:

7% have started reading the Bible.
8% are having more spiritual conversations with family and friends.
5% have searched online to learn more about Bible prophecy.
2% have started listening to Bible teaching and/or Christian sermons online.

“This survey provides a fascinating window into how Americans see the COVID-19 pandemic and how it is dramatically increasing their interest in spiritual matters,” said Joel Rosenberg, president of the Joshua Fund, the ministry that utilized MA to conduct the survey., 3/20;, 4/1/20