Dan Celia
Financial Issues
May 2014 – Q: I know you talk about biblically-responsible investing, although I am not sure I know what this means.
A: Biblically responsible investing is the practice of avoiding companies whose products and policies dishonor God. Christians must remember that God owns everything, including the money with which He has blessed us. We are simply stewards or managers. That means managing His resources in a way that rejects investments in companies that directly or indirectly support abortion, pornography, same-sex marriage or other things that are contrary to His law.
That is particularly difficult in mutual funds, which is the reason I recommend only one mutual fund – Timothy Plan. Timothy Mutual Funds are 100% guaranteed to be biblically responsible. I have spent two years and many meetings working with the Timothy Plan, so I know the company understands what it means to invest in a biblically responsible way.
Dan Celia has been in financial management for more than 30 years. He works closely with AFA Foundation and can be heard six days a week on AFR Talk (afr.net).
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