Alabama scores crash after Common Core
Alabama scores crash after Common Core
AFA initiatives, Christian activism, news briefs

April 2016 – Alabama students crashed from 25th place in 2011 to “dead last on math and English” scores in 2015, says an open letter to state senators from Eagle Forum of Alabama. In the letter, EFA president Eunie Smith laments the stunning decline “from where we were before Common Core when Alabama had been trending upward.” The scores reflect data from testing administered by National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Smith’s letter to senators goes on to say, “It’s not just NAEP scores that confirm the inferiority of Common Core.” For example, ACT scores of Alabama students dipped from 21 in 2014 to 16 in 2015. She urged Alabamians to contact their senators and ask that they support SB60 to repeal and replace Common Core., 2/3/16